Dude, dump Rapidgator, I did after I went to mailinator (dot) com (its a disposable email site) and sent a bullshit DMCA notification to a couple of random text files that I uploaded into my account.  Within minutes they responded back with an automated reply that the files were deleted (which in fact they were).  They might as well just put a Delete button next to every download button if its that easy for some retard to get your files deleted.

Clearly RapidGator is no longer worthwhile for Uploaders, I'm definitely not calling them a "scam host" because they do pay out (albeit it in obnoxious webmoney). I also don't believe they're intentionally shaving sales, rather I think this is frequently perceived to be happening to many on here as a direct result of they're lame ass system which doesn't provide you with renewal/rebill affiliate payments for deleted files that the original sale was tied to.

There are much better file hosts out there with intelligent support who actually give a shit about their business (RapidGator fails at everything in my opinion).  Personally I'm having a great experience right now with Upstore.net, but that's just my two cents...
