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Active Member
Post random things you hate.

  • Cats (worthless animal)
  • People who think it's cool to be illiterate
  • Elio
  • Mainstream Music
  • People who take good domain names and never use them
  • Ignorant Americans
  • 4chan and these retarded image macros that come with it.
  • Megan Fox's toe thumb
Post random things you hate.

  • Cats (worthless animal)
  • People who think it's cool to be illiterate
  • Elio
  • Mainstream Music
  • People who take good domain names and never use them
  • Ignorant Americans
  • 4chan and these retarded image macros that come with it.
  • Megan Fox's toe thumb

i agree about the cats and everything you said. except Elio <3
i also hate immature kids and script kiddies always hacking shit.
people who sign up to sites, make one post and never come back.
how i spend money
people who scam
drug dealers, they never give you exactly what you pay for.
people who sell things but dont accept paypal.
things that cost alot of cash, then fall apart in less then a month.(my laptop)
dont get a dell ^^
internet speeds, i pay to have a speed ive never ever actually experienced.
phone companies
banks of america, land of the free? i think not.
little children who dont understand the word "no" and or the phrase "go ask your mom"
cheating whores
gum on my shoe
hot weather
movies that suck
shitty bands
a guy named steven walker, he lives in homestead, fl, usa ;)
my boss
my attitude
my current phone (getting a new one tho so that doesnt count)
vista (so poorly optimized. october 24th comes my upgrade :) )
short video games that are over hyped
people that dont like the half-life series or at least counter strike are losers
that also goes for GTA series ^
losing things
dvd+r? -r? -rw? +rw? which one do i use? just give me one or two options what the fuck
scented hand lotion... dont buy it.
when your on the phone and want to write something down and all the sudden all you find are broken pens, its like someone broke in, fucked up all my pens and left. knowing that would piss me off more then buying a new tv haha
people with confidence issues
guys that stand against the wall at the club and never move. its like, why did you even come guy? you knew you wernt gonna have the balls to talk to any chicks what did you think one or two drinks would give you the words or the courage? nearly pathetic
OH, this one i hate so much V
people who insist that theyre religion is the only correct religion and that everyone else is going to hell. they also fit in the group of people who constantly invite me to theyre church after ive told them dozens of times im never going to go.
teen girls with braces that say "like" and "whateverrr" all the time
people who dont type properly on purpose. lik dis nd dat yo lmme getchyo nmber biaatch
people who post here and on alot of other warez forums that dont have a grasp on the english language and write so terribly that you cant understand what theyre saying more then 75% of the time.
virii (viruses)
running out of hard drive space
RROD (rip xbox 360 :'()
many more, probably should just write a book about the things that anger me slightly.

•Empty Shoutbox.
•Mainstream music(fuck Lil Wanye).
•To many warez websites.
•Name brand clothes.
•People who use my stuff without my permission.
•People who either brake or lose my stuff.
•Cocky people.
And that's about it for right now ill probably come up with more stuff later.
^ at 604 posts though, does that mean your a follower instead of a leader?
lol i dont make too many threads myself but ill always add my 2 cents in.
it doesnt. or maybe it does. either way i dont want to go further into it. didnt mean it in a terrible manner as it may have sounded ;)
i guess all this random hate made me randomly hate
apology accepted? :)
here is my list

Douches who think they are hard over a keyboard X-(
Mainstream music X-(
people who think they are "1337" X-(
Xbox 360 "bought 2 of the fucking things both broke" X-(
terroris... no thats racist X-(
skiddies X-(
hackers unless its for a valid reason X-(
spoilt bratz X-(
people who take things to seriously e.g this douch X-(
customer support lines always get some idiot who don't speak English X-(
people who dont speak English X-(
chavs "ye bruv safe" fuck off X-(
shitty movies X-(
shitty games X-(
over hyped up games X-(
gays call me a homophobic or what ever i don't care they piss me off fucking drama queensX-(
gill X-(
having no money X-(
stupidly over priced things X-(
tv adverts X-(

thats about it for now might update if i can think of things
You know what really grinds my gears? - laughs -
- People who thing they are all that online, get a life. >.>
- People who ask questions without searching.
- Chris' small penis. - cough - LMFAO.
What about cialas? They don't have viagra at 7/11 or extenze?

Man? Really? 7/11? With all those arabs? They won't have it. They have enough hair down there to pass as a big penis with a HUGE bush. O.o

Go to like; It's full of viagra posters. <3
Win! -
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