Selling Promo Price - Easy File Sharing & Download Platform


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FileUp - Easy File Sharing & Download Platform, is a PHP System designed to let users upload files to your server and select when the file should expire. Users are able to select whether if they want the file to expire in a certain amount of days, or downloads or none of them, and also they can protect it by password.

Check Live Demo :

Promo Price is Only : $17
Valid for 10 days only, after 10 days the promo price will be closed

Payment Method :
❖ Paypal E-Mail :
❖ Binance ID : 554802753
❖ Bitcoin : 172BdKG1LaL6DZEPZa1na4LRHpBQL1x6HZ
❖ USDT TRC 20 : THzXkY3YBWEiuGgaCu24CpA5EC1uxmrHxM
❖ USDT BEP 20 : 0xdd5042052535bdae998c1019f3f2d0baf586355b
❖ LTC - Litecoin : ltc1qk2cy9vx6tnewgsquzcv4yprk4m97tg7qfccmr4
❖ Bank BCA : No.Rek : 2090177641 - a/n Agus Dani Setiawan
Confirm Proof of Payment to Address Below
❖ URL Chat :
❖ Add Email Address :

Support For Hosting :
❖ Reseller Hosting
❖ Cloud Hosting
❖ VPS Hosting
❖ Dedicated hosting

System Requirements :
❖ SSL Certificates
❖ PHP 7.3, 7.4
❖ PHP Curl
❖ Smbclient
❖ Opcache
❖ Allow_Url_Fopen
❖ Nginx or Apache
❖ Nginx ( Recommended )

Minimum Hosting :
❖ Location : UK, US, Netherlands, Germany, Japan, Singapor
❖ Disk : NVME or SSD
❖ Network Multiple Backbone
❖ Dedicated IP
❖ 1Gbps Network
❖ CPU : 1 Cores
❖ RAM : 2 GB

Main Features :
❖ Upload Files
❖ Expired Files
❖ Blocked Users For IP Anddress
❖ Files Details
❖ Delete Files
❖ Direct Links Download
❖ Real-Time Analytics
❖ Statistics Visitor By : Week, Month , Years
❖ Statistics Code Unique
❖ Protected Files By Password
❖ Advertisements : Banner Ad
❖ Advertisements : All Page Popup Ad
❖ Uploaded File Code
❖ Limit Number of Downloads Expired
❖ Analysis Download
❖ Analysis Visitor/ Traffic
❖ Custom Allowed Extensions
❖ Custom File Size Limit
❖ Awesome Admin Dashboard