PPC exchangebucks.com $30/1000 visitors ??

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Well, I am registered on this site, I received some visits for my links, but they rates are all false, they say that pay $19+ for Brazil, but I was only receive $0,13. Also I noticed that they say that allow AlertPay, but on options AlertPay is not listed.
Since I was receiving only $0,13 per 1000 visitor for my traffic I sent a support ticket for they check if something was wrong, I also sent a ticket about the AlertPay thing, both ticked sent more than 1 week ago and still no reply -.- .
So keep away from this site.
I did not get paid when I have reached a total over $5.00 on the payment date (Friday, 02th March 2012)

I think it's a big scam.......

And the payout rates are almost wrong, I have send sevrel e-mail without their reply.
I did not get paid when I have reached a total over $5.00 on the payment date (Friday, 02th March 2012)

I think it's a big scam.......

And the payout rates are almost wrong, I have send sevrel e-mail without their reply.

Me too . I'm waiting for them in today's payment .... :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
I find something with this site"https://flippa.com/2706807-exchangebucks-com-making-50-day-1400-month-40-000-visitors-daily".
What do guys think?
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