Partners for unique project with TV SHOWS

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New Member
I'm looking for people who want to participate in the project. It is pretty unique (in my humble opinion). It is about watching TV shows online but this is not website like hundreds others. It is not about embeds or links to servers like megavideo etc. This website should offer watching online with subtitles in different language. There is available only one season one TV show on website (only example) and this one offers 17 subtitles in different languages! and there is problem. It is a lot of work and i need some people for running this project. My idea is add some TV shows which currently airs in the USA (episodes - usually from September) and when there will be some content in a few months i would love to add episodes daily. Example - episode is aired and a few hours later people could watch online and when there will be first subtitles out in some language so add subtitles also etc. I am looking for people mainly on searching/downloading/splitting subtitles etc.. not in first place for uploaders because every episode needs to be upload only once but subtitles is at least 17. I welcome anyone who would like to participate anyhow. I am also looking for people who do not have English as their mother tongue because part of the site is in different languages (i had to used Google Translator) and I dont know the condition of local web sites. There is not any illegal activity on my website!
What would be my exact job ?
There is a lot of work to do so from splitting subtitles to edit htmls etc. Like i wrote above I welcome every help.
Will I earn something ?
If you dont care about project but you want to have only some earning you should not participate. Of course, if project will have success and will be profitable you will earn money (really depends on your work and how many people will cooperate with us).
This website is not for public now. A lot of things will be changed until opening website for public. inviteID =5035685881907158210&blogID=279298065108465209
(you have to delete spaces there is some problem i am not sure what it is)
You have to click on something like - continue as guest - it depends on your location.

I am looking forward to cooperation with everyone. I dont have a chance for running this project alone. Thank you very much
I will be online today afternoon (that means about 16:00 UTC)
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