Online Research

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I am a researcher from the University of Sussex looking to recruit participants to complete a short (15 minute) online study investigating personality and facial recognition.

This research has received full ethical approval (Ref: ER/JLD32/1) and participation is of course completely voluntary. All data gathered in this study is recorded anonymously and stored securely and you have the right to withdraw your data at any time.

Unfortunately no payment, monetary or otherwise, can be offered for you time.

If you are interested in taking part simply click the link below and follow the instructions (Please note Internet Explorer has been known to experience difficulties with the study, it is advised to use a different browser if possible):

Research Study

I must ask that you please do NOT discuss the study publicly as this may affect the answers given by other participants.

((If Admins or any others feel that such recruitment is unwelcome then please remove this post with my apologies.))

Many thanks.
I participated, way too many questions about being "depressed" :P

And a few questions were repeated, you should check the design aswell. there are a few bugs.
Repeated questions are an annoying but necessary part of many personality questionnaires I'm afraid, it's a way to make sure people are actually reading the questions and not picking answers at random.

And what bugs did you experience? Everything ran smoothly when I checked it before I put it up, but if people are experiencing any issues I'll need to address them.
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