Selling [94k UV/350 k Traffic/23k Alexa/] [$700~ High Earnings a Month]

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Hey Guys
I am selling my/our site

The site is a Warez Blog for dedicated Latest Movies And TV Shows
The whole site is just 1 year old and full of potential with traffic and rankings.

Its current Traffic stats (screenshots at last of post):-

Alexa Rank- 24k (was 23k 2 months ago but then got server shits)
Main Total Traffic- ~350k
Unique Visitors Traffic- ~94k
Highest Traffic Country- USA (75% Total Traffic)
Earnings from Ads- $400+ Highest ( Latest $300+)
Earnings From Filehosts - $350 Highest (Mainly HF and FS)
FileHosts used so far- 5
Earnings From CPA Lead- $815 (Used it only for only 1.5 Months just for
test and they paid only 85% Total earnings
due to early payment and 15% fees)

Using Wordpress
4721 Movies/TV Shows Posts So far

Domain Hosted At- Namecheap
Domain Valid Till- 7/12/2011
Pages Indexed In Google- 2k

Ownership Proof

Havn't Ever Submitted The Site Or Any Post To Any DDL Like Katz, etc. EVER. So Traffic Will Rise Itself If You Do So !!

Well, above stats says it all.
I and my friend started the site 1 year ago and I left everything on him to manage it as I was busy with my own site and stuff.
Now He and I wanna quit as he wanna have more offline life and I have my own loads of work so we wanna sell the site.

The site has never been submitted to any DDL so you can just imagine how much traffic will rise after you do so.

Previously we had a dedicated uploader for the site who used to upload to MU/HF/FS/MS and was making $400+ himself from it
Now even he has quit so we dont have any uploader as well
Past 1 week we uploaded on Fileserve and made $63 in just 1 week (screenshot Below)
We have tried CPA lead for 1 and a half month only and it made us $800+ in such a small time even after cutting 15% early pay fees

We also got $200+ donations in past month from traffic users.
We have so far used like 3-4 ad companies in which main is clicksor making $300-400 itself and adbrite $150~ and Xtendmedia etc each with $50-150 itself alone

The site comes with Domain , skin , traffic and a huge collection of 4721 posts and everything so far.

Any more questions ?
Feel free to ask :)


Domain Proof




(Sorry for not having Oct SS, Changed Host and so AWStats was disabled)




Ads Earnings

Clicksor (Earnings are of each 15 days)

Clicksor Total Earning (Just 7 Months)

AdBrite (Used For 1 Month)

FileServe Earnings (Only 1 Week)

Donation Earning
(Only recent earnings shows as thr are damn many pages)

CPA Lead



Starting Bid - $1000
Increment - $50
Bin - $5000

rey2k5 Has won the Bin with $4100 as price
Payment made and site sold and traferred successfully and safely :)
Very smooth buyer and fast payer XD

Guys I also have Google Anylatics Stats Available
To see PM me your yahoo/msn and will show everything via teamviewer

Also 85% Traffic is direct and organic =D

By The way I know The site isnt just worth $1000~ X-(
To verify that the site earns 500~700 in the past months, I'd like a moderator to view everything via TeamViewer (You show them CPALead account etc on TV). Once done, I'll place a bid :)

Hawk sure and actually no need of a mod as well :)

I will be happy to show that to you as well as you are respected :)

Thank You

Hawk PM me your msn or yahoo

Yea Flip :(
We had to use CPA for like 45 days tht made our traffic kill a bit so removed it
Just were testing it as wanted to shift site on more better server :((

CPA Made us $800 BTW in 45 days :D

Wish new owner just use more good CPM or ads site

BTW Earlier our Alexa was 21k :((
Site was on a shared hosting till now for $15/month :P

But we can sponsor you a vps from our Comapny IRapidLeech

100GB Space

Or you can take a dedicated for $65 if you want :-?
I am really, really interested, the only problem is the uploading and keeping the new content coming. I mean what criteria would I have to use to find one or more uploaders?
Enigma Only thing I didnt did was ask for uplaoders on WJ and submit to an DDLS

I just got like 15 PMs for uplaoders currently uploading on 4-5* sites :D

You dont need to worry about uploaders as I said above, previous uploader was earning $400 and tht was from direct/organic traffic

Just submit to katz and uploaders can earn more than $500-600 easily or more

You can get uploaders for this damn big site easily


Bid has been updated already
freecbc mate I already showed 3 people - Hawk, deepj1 and the current max bidder my google anaylytics account

85% Total traffic is direct/organic

Also current bid is at $4k
I want to recommend an escrow for this. I am willing to do an escrow if both parties agree. We don't want anyone to get scammed. If this is something you would like to do. Please PM me.
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