If you're looking for feedback, here's some in case you choose to consider it.
Bandwidth gets cheaper by the day, so to begin with, a move that cuts bandwidth in half just doesn't make sense. I know you're looking to control leechers but an en-masse reduction in bandwidth doesn't even begin to be a viable solution. To prevent a handful of abusers, you decide to punish your entire user base.
This *MIGHT* not have been as bad as it is (and it's very bad) if you did not already charge obscene "fees" on your premium prices. Those fees make no sense. Maybe, yes, they're justified for credit card purchases, but I would expect a filehost to share costs not push them all on the clients. Essentially, pretty much every aspect of your service appears to punish your end users (your customers, the people who pay you and are the lifeblood of your service) for the sake of yourself and your uploaders.
I mean, the BITCOIN payment method has fees associated with it. How does that even make sense? Bitcoin is the single payment method that charges no fees whatsoever, yet somehow, you feel the need to tack on an additional 20% (!!!) for 'processing'.
Onward to this change, you cut bandwidth in half. That's 25GB of daily download quota that has been taken away. That rounds to 750GB/month. Last night, when you sent out the mass mail, your prices were $20 for 500GB. Keeping that price in mind, every client will need to pay $30/month extra for bandwidth if they want the same level of bandwidth. So, how is this change 'for the better' any more than it is 'to squeeze as much money as we can from our clients while we're still alive'?
Unfortunately, it gets worse. This morning, the prices changed and 100GB was $20. That's an additional $150 per MONTH to retain the previous levels of bandwidth. How many clients do you think will even go for that? Who in their right mind would?
It would be wiser for me to just buy a second account for $12 (plus tons of 'processing fees') and get back the 50GB/month over 2 accounts, for a lot less than $150/month on the same account. I'm pretty sure all those 'leechers' you're attempting to block with this move will do exactly this; just double their accounts for a cheaper solution. Yes, you'll double your revenue from THEM, but they're not the clients you want.
As for the legitimate users like me, we'll simply migrate to an alternative. There's no way in hell I'll pay $15.60/month for 25GB/day download quota. I'm sure I'll find alternatives, as will other downloaders like me. And we vote with our wallets, so if we stop buying, the uploaders will have to migrate if they wish to continue earning off of us.
Sorry, I don't mean to be harsh, but I most certainly feel that this is a terrible, terrible move. It seems nothing less than an attempt to gouge as much money as you can from your existing clients, and your new clients too (because you don't indicate this quota anywhere; it's a rude surprise). Nothing about this decision has been thought out in advance. The fact that you changed prices twice in less than 24 hours, and are (apparently) revising them again is proof enough.
In a day and age where bandwidth gets cheaper every day, this move will only see you losing long term users.