New Theme Being Designed

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Well I've got Maz doing a new vBulletin theme for my site piratewrz.

Please note, it's no where near finished, just want some opinions ;)

Nice, simple, and professional I might add. Only thing I would remove is the boat on teh logo, reminds me of TPB, nice job ;)
Yes still a fair bit to be done.

However, I only want "simple". Nothing to complicated I want everything to be accessed easily by people that aren't familiar with warez etc.

Hoping for a "community" feeling with this theme also.
I can see what demon is getting at it looks based off that
Login box position nav position ect..

Not really my kind of style but i like it non the less :)
I still fail to see how it'd match.

I doubt MAZ of all people would be ripping the base of another site.

Remember, it isn't coded, things aren't where they should be just yet so its no where near done, at the most we are at 20% of the skin.
I still highly doubt the fact that Maz would have copied another site.

And if it's the same, it takes little time to change it and make it different ^_^

I'll show you all the site running and released tomorroww.
Ehh that how most vbulletin skins are right now. Whenever I do vb skins I do the login box in the same position, doesn't mean im copying freshwap same goes for the navbar. Nice skin so far Foxy, your money is well spent (y)
Thanks Flash.

I can assure you when it's done you can compare it to the other site, and I can promise 100% there's nothing that'll look the same.
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