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Active Member
Hi Guys,

This is my suggestion to help stop the 1 week hosts from popping
up everyday:

i.e. put restrictions on who can post in the hosting section
like they must have at least 300 posts and be a registered member
of this forum for at least like 6 months i know this would not completely
eradicate but it would stop the majority of the newb hosts popping
up which sell out after a few days then close up shop and it would
also help members get to know the personality of the people who would
be hosting them and to see if they are reliable and decent of course
like i said this would not stop scammers completely but it would
hinder then significantly please take this under consideration as this
would also help out the decent hosts with more customers coming
their way which would also help them improve their services :)

Yes i dis agree with iHate, who ever buys the hosting must search before buying ..Not all of them end up in months ... some of them are really good too ....
Well we dont know what happens next.. as there is a big example today infront of you... of encipher and dlow ... i read the thread as dlow is very trusted but according to Encipher dlow scammed him ... So u never know who is trusted and who is not.. If a guy is new then it doesnt mean that he is not trusted...
i understand that but daily i see new hosts in the hosting section
mostly from new members and maybe a month or 2 later they close
up shop with members saying scam scam...

We might as well help our own and help reduce scamming
and like i said it would help the current providers to provide
a better service for the rest of us.
Don't go with new hosts? it's simple as that. Those who go with new $2 unmetered shared hosting resellers are idiots, sadly we can't protect every idiot.
Don't go with new hosts? it's simple as that. Those who go with new $2 unmetered shared hosting resellers are idiots, sadly we can't protect every idiot.

When i joined this forum i used to buy from cheap hosts here only because
i thought that everyone was a saint on this forum xD
So some protection should be offered (now i have learnt of course)
then the competition will be limited as no other hosts will be able to provide their services and hence less competition = high rates :D

At the moment we have around 20 - 30 decent hosts
who provide budget shared hosting up to Dedicated Servers
i personally think thats more than enough i'm not against
competition but i am against 1 day hosts and this would
limit them a lot.
How about this for protection;

Create a new thread:
Web Hosting Recommend Hosts Database (and Sticky It)

Certain amount of requirement will be required to get on the list.
Certain amount of posts. (Min. 100)
Active on Forums: Yes
Member for: Min. 1 Month
Sales Thread: with a minimum of 20 posts (10+ Good reviews, 1 bad don't count against them, as one user might have bad experience and rest are happy.)
Rep Power: Min. 1 (or Reputation: 20 Points which I think gives you two, should post the Reputation settings from the admin panel.)

Basically, any user will still be able to post, but to get on the recommended database need to follow the requirements.

Every webhosting company fucks up @ some point.

For Eg : DLow trust'd user fuck'd all his clients.

on other hand

XSLTEL when he started his service he was new and he still provides quality service.

New rule wont change how things work around here
Holy crap dude, when I saw your comment, I felt like music was blasting in my ear when I saw your huge letters with red text.

Tone it down a little and fix your colors, please.
Every webhosting company fucks up @ some point.

For Eg : DLow trust'd user fuck'd all his clients.

on other hand

XSLTEL when he started his service he was new and he still provides quality service.

New rule wont change how things work around here

XSLTEL might be an exception but why should web hosting company's
be allowed to f*ck up?
I have had Onshore webhosting for past 4 years and i cant remember
them ever having downtime and i cant remember them ever losing
my data or anything like that why should offshore hosts be allowed
to f*ck up?

The requirements you stated would suit you as you have over
100 posts and been here for just over 1 month what i suggested
does not benefit me or my services as i am not a host but i would
like to see better hosting services here in WJ.
I was just using those as examples based off mine, of course the requirement could be easily changed, I'm just throwing the idea out there.

I've been here since April 3rd (April 4th my birthday) and I haven't yet created a 'Sales Thread' in regards to my hosting services, I plan too - I'm here too help people. As you stated '1 Day hosts' start make money and leave.

As for me on the other hand I've been in business since 2004 under the same company name (Domain has changed as in removing hyphens and what not)

Which could bring another requirement:
Domain should be at least a certain age? Not like 1 Month, I mean they still can advertise, but not be on the list - People would read that list... Thinking a requirement of at least 1 year to 2 years.

I'm good with this: 6 years 8 months old 4 Years, 2 Months, 20 days.. (acquired at auction)

Basically, I would still have to work to get listed as I have yet to create a sales thread.
I was just using those as examples based off mine, of course the requirement could be easily changed, I'm just throwing the idea out there.

I've been here since April 3rd (April 4th my birthday) and I haven't yet created a 'Sales Thread' in regards to my hosting services, I plan too - I'm here too help people. As you stated '1 Day hosts' start make money and leave.

As for me on the other hand I've been in business since 2004 under the same company name (Domain has changed as in removing hyphens and what not)

Which could bring another requirement:
Domain should be at least a certain age? Not like 1 Month, I mean they still can advertise, but not be on the list - People would read that list... Thinking a requirement of at least 1 year to 2 years.

I'm good with this: 6 years 8 months old 4 Years, 2 Months, 20 days.. (acquired at auction)

Basically, I would still have to work to get listed as I have yet to create a sales thread.

sorry for making the assumption but i do agree with you on the extra requirements.
Nobody is perfect but scamming your clients is unacceptable and completely wrong. You aren't going to get anywhere scamming in life. It's pointless. I wouldn't want everyone coming after me. It takes a heartless person to do that. You have to either provide the services or refund them. If you keep screwing up as a company, might as well quit.

I think the requirement of a year or two is acceptable but some scams last a long time unfortunately.
In about 10 years (maybe a little more) I've never been screwed over by a bad host. Do your research or just use a little common sense. If the host cannot even type English, (most here) you're probably going to get screwed.
Please remove post. I just read jjj post above me and he said pretty much the same thing.
I guess i should have went to page 2 and checked it out before posting

You can solve this all by not being an idiot and use common sense when looking for hosting. If it sounds to good to be true than it is.
Use your brains people you all have em. Its as easy as googling the company and doing a whois on the domain. just those 2 things will provide a nice chunk of required info.
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But new members who are oblivious to common-sense
but we should still protect members as i know a lot of
members who have had a poor service and/or been scammed.
As Cory said, Trusted Web Hosts thread would be awesome. But we unfortunately have only 2-3 trusted hosts, and thread for those 2-3 hosts would be pretty much free advertising.
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