Moronic warez sites and filehosters that encourage bots and spammers

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Here's a site that does absolutely nothing about Copyright spammers and bots - hackerzcity. Their forum has been completely ruined by bots who post the same content over and over and over and over and over again so that it's aggregated by FilesTube. Check the following link - all bots and irrelevant content:

I let them know of their copyright spam problem and then promptly banned...unbelievable! I hope their forum is completely killed by spam and from Google removals - which are increasing all the time by the way.

These spammers constantly leech content from newalbumreleases and copy the same file thousands of times and leak via,, & Why haven't filehosters done anything about this? Surely these spammers are damaging due to the lower quality content flooding their service?
They only have 180,000 threads which isn't even 0.000000000000000000001% of the files that are out there. So, not sure what you are going on about here.

Not to mention almost all of their threads are DOCUMENTARIES, which hold the lowest reported count of Copyright Infringement of any of category. So yea, I'd say they are doing ok, let them be. They are running a wrestling community with some hip to it. It's not a problem, it's just who they are.

If you don't like it, then leave them alone.
You've not taken any notice of what I've said at all!

Very few of those threads are actually documentaries. That should be painfully obvious! In fact, it's all the same leeched music uploaded by bots. If you check the spam threads, there are over 20,000 bot posts and each has probably 100 files in each post (usually very heavy repetition of the same old albums/crap). Now if they're not deleting this low value content, then they're fucking retards because a) it's legitimately stopping real members posting valuable, relevant content b) it's killing their forum with low quality irrelevant spam and c) brings them heat from content owners as music is obviously a very heavy infringement area. I suggest you look at the Google Transparency report and see the huge increase in content owner deletions with regards to their site before running your mouth.

What I can't understand is why sites put up with the constant spamming. Is there a benefit to this activity? I can't see what it is.

Moreover, why do filehosters put up with it? Again, just brings unnecessary heat from the BPI, IFPI, RIAA etc.
It's called spam forum, made to attract visitors from google, and gain page views.
On a later stage, it will serve as a backlink to a REAL place, OR they'll just put ads, and monetize it. (or who knows what is the owners plan)
You can see same crap with thepiratebay. Same things in hundreds of copies, this is how and why TPB is so strong in serps....
Several forums I used to frequent have been overrun by spam posters. It's the same exact content posted over and over again. They flood out the unique and interesting stuff or scrape it up and repost it, driving out the quality posters who can't keep up. Ugh.
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