Mascot creator - 5$

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Active Member
If you want a mascot for your site or a caricature of yourself, or simply you just want some crayon artwork, i'm your man!

PM for orders - please read below
Skype: odo13tz

1. All my work is in crayon: BW or color; i'm not that good with vectors, but i'm working on it :D
2. For each work i'll need details, as much as possible
3. For every mascot you will get 3 designs: one in BW, one COLOR and one... well, let's say that i'll go crazy on that one - my own vision
4. For portraits and mascots i will need a high quality picture
4. Payment trough PayPal/AlertPay, upfront.

* I will retouch the design as specified after my first release

A few creations of mine:
(I will upload more soon!)

Mascots :


HQ Artwork:
300 Spartans

Assassin Creed

Some anime (Copy):


Latest work

Review on DP:
[allout] This guy just drew one for me of my new dog. The quality is amazing. The price is well worth it and he is a great artist. I sent a picture and he drew it with great detail. Thanks for this wonderful offer!

********Any review is greatly appreciated!*********
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You are good with pencil, if you build mascots in a good way you succedd into the busisness.

Perhaps in the future i request your service.
All off-topic posts such as 'good luck', 'keep it up' etc are deleted.

@ OP, if you wish to exhibit your works - add the images on the first post instead of posting a new reply. Reviews can be added there as well. :)

@ Others, stay out of this thread if you only wish to post "good luck" etc
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