Hey affiliates! We would like to notify you that some offers will be paused on the Labor Day (5th of September). Please check offers schedule on the link below: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1USUXUfmYQyaqIuzFts8ndWkcolFkAE8mYATCyF4wP9g/edit#gid=0


We are back with our webinars and we announce webinar that will help affiliate marketers to be introduced in the world of Pay Per Call! In this webinar we will talk about basics of pay per call affiliate marketing and answer all your questions on that topic😊

Webinar agenda:

- How Pay Per Call works and why it’s a great opportunity

- Pay Per Call offers and metrics

- Traffic sources

- Example of landing pages and ads

- Conversion tracking

- Agency accounts and cards for advertising

Join us on September 13th, 1 pm EST as always on our YouTube channel!
