How to hook players with your ads? 🚩

In this article, we broke down the main pain points that pique the interest of your audience 😮 Your funnel should include at least 2 points for a delicious conversion.

📖 Read: Triggers for affiliate marketing gambling ads


1️⃣ Greed

2️⃣ Crowds

3️⃣ Exclusivity

4️⃣ Entertainment

5️⃣ Lust

6️⃣ Status

7️⃣ Laziness

8️⃣ Curiosity

9️⃣ Nostalgia

🔟 Time

📍 Questions to @magic_click


A selection of free white page generators📄

With these services you can quickly create a page that will be shown to moderators instead of your link. This allows you to bypass site restrictions and avoid ads being rejected.

We have collected several free and convenient white page generators for your advertising campaigns in one place

📖 Read: Free White Page Generators - 5+ picks

Contact your account manager or @magic_click for connection questions
