Looking for a host

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I am looking for a host provider that will allow reselling with unlimited storage and bandwidth and will allow rapidleech. I really dont plan on using rapidleech alot I only need it for one account really. I know there are alot of resellers with unlimited storage and bandwidth but its the rapidleeching that gives me trouble.
I always say the higher budget the better, In return you would receive better speeds, better service etc..
Yeah I understand that, learned it the hard way. Also I bought hosting at cdkhosting.co.uk but its been a week and still have not gotten my reseller account activated. So that took away from some of my budget
Yeah I am, but in the mean time still looking to find a hoster with the specifications above, like I said I dont need really loose rapidleech rules, I want rapidleech to take the load off one of my other sites, but other than that the rest of the sites on the server will just be regular sites

Added after 50 minutes:

Can anyone help?
rapidleech definitely needs a vps unless its a rapidleech only server

but vps are hardly ever unlimited space or unmetred to use the correct term
I can provide you

320 GB WebSpace
2.4Ghz Quad Core (Equally Shared)
Dedicated 2048MB RAM
Burstable 4096MB RAM
Default Control Panel: Webmin ( cPanel Recommended)
$46.99 USD Monthly
Service: Unmanaged VPS
For More: https://billing.ultratechhost.com/cart.php?gid=5

210 GB WebSpace
2.4Ghz Quad Core (Equally Shared)
Dedicated 1536 MB RAM
Burstable 3072 MB RAM
Default Control Panel: WHM/cPanel
$72.99 USD Monthly
Service: Managed
For More: https://billing.ultratechhost.com/cart.php?gid=6

Note: In our Offshore VPS you can run private rapidleech, torrentflux and you can also run your site, we can not give guarantee that you will get good speed in rapidleech
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