(Updated) - Up to $30 per sale

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Active Member
After 2 Months of testing we have finally finished our migration
towards a new Payment Processor which not only converts BETTER
than our old one but also gives us far more options regarding Affiliate

If you were previously promoting LatestDownloads on AffiliationCash then
you are in luck because we have already set you up an Account on this
new Payment Processor and you may login and begin earning straight away!

Simply Login using the EXACT details you used at

Then make sure to fill in all your Personal and Payment Details
selecting either Wire or PayPal as your preferred Payment Method.

If you can't login it means you were not on our Sub-List and in order to take
full advantage of LatestDownloads now you need to setup an Account and
join our new Sub-List - Signup Here



To begin promoting and earning is VERY simple. You have a choice of
3 different linking methods and they are as follows:

Video Demo:

affiliateid - Replace this with your Username at AffiliationConnection
searchterm - Replace this with your Download Search Query



We have introduced a new BONUS scheme which should see you earn
more than any other Affiliate Program currently online including other
networks such as YottaCash.

By default we pay you $27 per Sale

Our Bonus Structure:

10 Daily Sales or 70 Weekly Sales = $100 Bonus
20 Daily Sales or 140 Weekly Sales = $200 Bonus & $28 Per Sale
30 Daily Sales or 245 Weekly Sales = $400 Bonus & $29 Per Sale

You will be payed the above sums via PayPal.

If you make more than 250 sales on a weekly basis we will increase
your Pay Per Sale from $27 up to $30 Per Sale via our Payment Processor
so you don't have to do anything as we will do it all for you and you will earn
much much more.



We have been rigorously split-testing (improving/tweaking) our website
to increase our conversions for you guys and we are now at our peak with
conversion rates that dominate all our competitors so rest assured you will
earn more with latestdownloads than any other P2P Downloads Affiliate
Program online.

The new Payment Processor is currently in Beta Stage so expect many
more improvements in the very near future.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch
with us by Email.

Email -

Make sure you include your AffiliationConnection "Username" in the Email
so we can quickly identify you.

Does the new payment processor accept paypal?

and the website looks the same to me, which means the same (bad) conversion rates.
The main issue we had with our previous Payment Processor was the Pay Per Sale we could offer our Affiliates and the limited Payment Options for Customers.


Old Membership Options

Now the obvious problem here is that the currency symbol is not displayed before the actual cost which put off many of our customers so this has been updated on our new payment system. The payment options we had were also limited and many customers preferred not to pay so much "up front" for a membership.

New Membership Options

More Payment Options, the emphasis on "Secure Transactions" to encourge our Customers that their details are kept safe. All Payment Options are clearly labelled with the correct Currency value before the pricing.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Old Payment Screen


Now a big issue our old processor was the "Hidden Costs" which are shown at the right side of the above screenshot, this was something we had no control over and this hidden cost caused a ridiculous ammount of rebills and refunds which ofcourse affected our Affiliate earnings substantially.

New Payment Screen

No Hidden Costs, much clearer to read and again the emphasis on Security with "Verified by VISA" etc.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I plan on working very hard this time round with our Affiliates to ensure that they earn as much as possible and remember when i increase our Affiliates Pay Per Sale our earnings drop so don't think im doing this just for us as im not, im doing this for the future of LatestDownloads and to ensure we keep our Affiliates happy.

I apologise for the lack of communication with me over the past few months but i have been very busy with work and this will not happen again as i will be making much more time for our Affiliates.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. I will be on MSN.

In order to help you guys better understand our Payment Structure and Bonus Scheme i have made you the following image...


For more details on our Bonus Scheme aswell as all our Promotional Banners etc CLICK HERE
Yes the Affiliate Panel is still working and you can still use AffiliationCash to promote LatestDownloads if you wish, but our new Payment Processor converts much higher and you are guaranteed to earn more from it.

Campaigns for Tracking

You have the ability to create Campaigns for individual Tracking.

If i were to start a PPC Campaign on Adbrite then this would be ideal as i could track Sales purely from PPC

You can use your Campaigns for all Pages on LatestDownloads - Append _campaign at the end

Index -
Video Demo -
Downloads Query -

Any sales you make using a Campaign will be clearly displayed inside AffiliationConnection (marked in red)


All Promotional Banners are available here -
I don't see why you aint converting SplitIce as i been monitoring traffic and conversions from other affiliates and it seems fine to me, talk with me on MSN.
Ok first set of BIG Updates have been made and this has persuaded many large Affiliates (torrent site owners) to use us transferring from networks such as YottaCash and they are making considerably more money with our program.

Now i understand when we first launched on the new payment processor our conversions may not have been the best but we were still in a beta stage of updates and with our latest alterations we are definetly seeing improvements.

If you fancy giving us a go check -

You have nothing to lose for giving us a test but perhaps a lot to gain where as income is concerned.

Still paying $27 Per Sale and our Bonus Structure is available here -

Conversions have definetly improved since we first launched on our new Payment Processor. Just got an Affiliate on today who has the following stats:

Clicks - 8857
Sales - 17
Commission - $459

So the improvements i have been making with split-testing since last week are working.

Massive increase in Conversions with our latest update, top Affiliate earning $2500 a day at the moment.

Why not give us a try? nothing to lose.

H3x, no offsense but 4 sales -> 3 refunds. I don't think the people that sign up are actually happy with the members area.

LD has always been the best converting paysite but now the refund rate is just bad.
Working on a new Members Area at the moment to reduce our refund rate substantially, will keep you updated.

Can you pm me the email to ask for stats?
I haven't checked my stats since I mived to affiliationconnection and now that moved I started making sales on affiliationcash again.
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