1. Do you accept porn?
* Yes
2. What is the maximum file download speed for anonymous/free/premium users?
* Free : 100Kb/s and Premium : unlimited
3. Are there any Download Limits (like hourly limit)?
* Two Hours .
3. Is there a Download Wait Timer (like 90 seconds before download is ready)?
* 30 Sec
4. Is there a Traffic Limit (like daily)?
* Free 2G and Premium Unlimited
5. What is the Max Upload File Size?
*Free 2G Premium 20G
6. What is the Max Download File Size?
*Free 2G Premium 20G
7. Do you offer Unlimited Storage (If storage is limited I will quickly run out of space)?
* Yes
8. How long do you keep the files?
* Free 30 days and premium 365 days without download
9. How many clicks per IP are you counting?
* Rates are high and we count 1 time .
10. What is the minimum payout?
* $25
11. Do you offer Paypal and WMZ ?
* Yes