
Well, it has been an Education for most of Us I Think, We have been Able to see how a Host manipulates Stats "Live"! and since he started doing it for good reasons or so those of us who like Katfile Wanted to Think, He Has Been Doing it Non-Stop,  "This is a Good Guy and Now That He Had Some Problems He's Just Trying to Find the Right Pricing for Everybody",

Well, a Week went by with Katfile Openly Manipulating Stats Non-Stop Looking for the Right Pricing, Then Two Weeks and at the End of the Second Week We Thought That at Last He Found What He Was Looking for and at Last We Can Again Get Some Stability Back!

But No, 3rd Week Came and Something Happened Again and Now We Are Back to Stats Manipulation, Tier Ping Pong Etc... And Never Getting Properly Credited for the Income Lost Because of The Constant Changes and of Course The Constant Counter Freezes...

Now, I Still Like this Guy and That's The Reason I'm Going to Stop Using  KatFile, Because Somebody That's Ready to Manipulate Stats so Easily, Regardless of the Reason, Probably Will Never Stop Doing it, So, I'll Just Leave KatFile Now, Before What Has Been a Pretty Good Experience Turns Ugly.

But I Do Wish Katfile  and Everybody That's Using Them Good Luck.
