is google plus button really working for traffic?

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hey guys,

facebook like button and google plus button on ur sites

are they really working? does google search engine sending more hits to ur sites after u put them? people say google search engine trust ur site more, if u have a lot of likes on fb and google plus on ur site

if u go to at the right side there is a google plus button

so can you guys tell us your story about it
Forget everything else, assume Google Plus sucks at social networking, but Google can influence your website’s search engine rankings significantly – that is the truth.
you might get 10 recommends / likes from your facebook link but in return you'll get facebook referral traffics, Google gives you organic traffic.

I don't use any of them btw, it clutters my site and slows down the page loads
google+ button nothing help you in traffic its just google social working and just google know which website have good content and google just rank site but i not help much more as what you expect
Google+ button only increases your search engine rankings to your friends NOT to everyone! So if I +1 wjunction only my google buddies will see it at the top not the whole internet....

and Facebook Like works the same way as google but instead it works with Bing!

To me they are both kind of fancy buttons.

But I'll tell you this, Facebook like button has the chance to make something go viral more than G+ can right now.
Google + Sucks
What a valuable and in dept reply.

Here's the problem. In all your tracking data like Google analytics or extremetracker they say hits are coming from either, or Now most of ye are looking at and saying it's low which is no doubt is except in extreme cases. When you get a hit from it's someone coming directly from the Google social network area. The problem is having a Google+ button on your site where you can have people +1 your site means your pages show up higher among your friends in google search results. When people click on these higher search results they show as refer which is organic which is technically is BUT it's influenced by the +1 button. This makes is difficult to track how effective the +1 button is on your site but doing what most people do and looking at for referrals is the totally wrong thing to do and shows a complete misunderstanding of how Google+ button works. Remember clicking a +1 button doesn't even show up in your stream so why would it bring traffic? Look more into linking your Google Profiles and authors etc and you'll get a better indication of how good Google+ is.

In conclusion Google+ button does not work the same as the Facebook like button.
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