iPhone 5 Discussion

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They just announced all the awards and accolades it has, it'll be unveiling soon. The only 'new' feature they have so far is sending a postcard. So far it's pathetic and Apple looks like a bunch of clowns raving about the iPad.
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Most of their launches are average things re-packaged. Like voice control what they are supposed to be launching. Loads of things have that. Apple are the best company at marketing in the world. They create hype and interest. If they launched a toaster tomorrow they'd be a queue waiting to buy it. I admire their marketing department as much as their design department.
6:54 pm "As you know, last year we introduced iPhone 4. It's a great phone. Despite competitors trying really hard to copy it, they haven't come close."

Haha, close enough to sue though.

Battery life, are you serious with this shit?
i could see
they still speak about iphone 4.. waiting for em

“CMOS backside illuminated sensor — gets 73% more light than the iPhone 4 sensor, and 1/3rd faster. On top of that, we place a high-end IR filter for greater accuracy and uniformity.”

“We take stunning Hd video, and for the first time, 1080p video.”
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lol I can't believe I said "Most of their launches are average things re-packaged" before they launched the iPhone 4s. I was personally expecting the iPhone 5 and even considering it as a present for my GF for Christmas who's an Apple fan. I have to had it to the marketing team again. They created the biggest hype for months and had the busiest day on the internet this year all for nothing.

Congrats Apple, your stock dive today is completely deserved for wasting our time

Ok, tbh, i was expecting this. I knew theres going to be an iphone 4g because it was added on some sites and it is obvious that they couldnt launch iphone 5 and 4s at same time. I know people whine but they released a 3gs version and im not suprised iphone 4 is followed by 4s.

People buy iphones everyday, its whether you extend the contract or buy a new one, apple is still going to get sales. Look on the bright side, you got the camera upgrade everyone was expecting and ofc dual processor and its a world phone. I see the rates are same as iphone4 which is good and you get 3gs free for contracts.

I would get this if i were an ihone fanboy but im going to skip this one and wait for the iphone 5 next year. Its actually they called it the mobile phone yet but i dont see how its true.

And the stock always go down after launches, its no big deal. They will get back up eventually so now would be best time to yhe stocks.
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