Iphone 4 -$475

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1- Especially if you are in the US, you can get it like myself for 200.. (Contract of course)
2- Iphone 5 is coming out in the summer, I would just wait

whats the difference between the 4th and 5th?

under contract you can get for $199, I am talking about just getting the phone with no plan.

Rumors are, it is coming out in the summer because Apple has been releasing a new Iphone every summer.

Supposedly will have upgraded CPU, RAM, ect..

android - didn't have the best experience.. I have been using iphones for the past few years, now I want to upgrade to iphone 4 (probably my last upgrade)

no iphone 5 for me...
if its under a contract... then yes

That makes no sense. A contract and also paying $475? What's so good about that?

:| i know thats its just Iphone at all mate,but its that expensive, i :O 'ed when i saw the 475$ price.

Err, $475 is mad cheap.. (depends 16/32GB, but $475 for 16GB is good too)
it costs around $900 here (Europe)

Buy it, as long as you don't get an empty box
Please never go with android. Apple is always on top, android is only trying to catch up and compete with the iphone, not releasing anything new and better, but releasing the same things as apple in a different format.

I used to run droid but had to give it up because it will never have as many capabillities or apps as an Iphone does. iOS will stay alive long, but droid will disappear soon with new phones coming out. I also had the HTC touch pro 2, windows 6.5 mobile. 3 Weeks after I got it, they discontinued the 6.5 and moved onto windows 7. You cannot upgrade the OS, you have to buy a new phone.

Point is, apple will always stay in the lead no matter what, droid will always try to catch up and compete with it but in the end, nothing has as many capabillities as the app store.
I agree with Entrepreneur's post. The power of iPhone is the app store.
Using a iPhone already before the app store existed, I was pretty dissapointed. Once the app store became active, the iPhone became awesome :)
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