In Need of Url REdirect mod ..?

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Active Member
im loooking for a url redirect mod for my forum ..and to this date i cant find 1 thats been made for phpbb :(

i would be grateful ..if someone could point m in the dirrection weer the 1 is :)
a redirct url ..that wen thers a link posted and sum1 clicks it .. that it opens in a iframe and with our add at the top .and the page loads beneath lol
cmon on dood lol, you got six sites and you got that mixed with seo lool, i just want match links in a topic and send them to a redirect script where ill have an advertisment on the top and an iframe bolow showing the orginal url!
You want the redirect.php page to be actually edited into the posts, rather than added on during runtime? Or only add the redirect page for Rapidshare and select sites?
Ok this is what we need because theres alot of cunfusion so ill try clear it up the best i can

User has a download he wishes to post.
So he goes to the post page as normal and filles out the post information!.
The post is submitted to to the database with no changes! stander!!.
but when a user views the topic before the topic is sent to template engine there will be. a chunk of code to find all the outbound links and change them to go to our redirect.php!.

This way no data is affected and the user goes to the download via our iframe! thus helping us to get revenue from an advert at the top of the page!
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