icanhost.me fail convo

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just found this convo about this noob host made me laugh at how stupid they are:

well i've said they fail for awhile they started of as goomboom.com or something like it scammed a few users then got banned and came back with this fail name lol
well i've said they fail for awhile they started of as goomboom.com or something like it scammed a few users then got banned and came back with this fail name lol

Yeah :S

I don't see how people can't afford WHMCS , it is about 15.95 with WHMCS or License pal it's like 12.95 (EVEN CHEAPER).
You shouldn't even start a site if you can't afford that.

As for the goomboom / them situation, I also see why nothing has been done about that. It's pretty pathetic account after account being made:|
As for the goomboom / them situation, I also see why nothing has been done about that. It's pretty pathetic account after account being made:|


He made another account here, and have active accounts here still

And when I protested he only abused me instead :(

To all mods and admins:
If one person can make dozens of accounts, we all will not be an exception. Equality before the law/rules is the basic principle of the constitution of most of the countries..
bentinks right if anyone else made more then one account the would be perm banned but this guy isn't i vote ban and blacklisting of the domain ican t host.me :|
LOL heres somethin better:
icanhost.me says:
 hi giga
 wat the fuck is this http://www.wjunction.com/showthread.php?t=28628
Gigawiz™ says:
 blame demon
 he was on tv and saw it and took a screenshot
icanhost.me says:
 so of a bitch
 u ..
Gigawiz™ says:
icanhost.me says:
 no demon
 and u...
Gigawiz™ says:
 ok so demon and me?
icanhost.me says:
 wat the shit
 now this will also go to demon
 bloody crap
Gigawiz™ says:
 what is "this"?
 cause he doesnt sell hosting
icanhost.me says:
 when the fuck did i say oh lol i got a nulled copy
Gigawiz™ says:
 no that was me
icanhost.me says:
 it says icanhost.me
Gigawiz™ says:
 he blanked my name for some reason
icanhost.me says:
 just make a fucking comment there
Gigawiz™ says:
 its a log
 what comment?
 "he doesnt use nulled, he keeps getting trials to avoid paying $15/month?"
 thats not a bad idea if i hated you
 ill remember that
 leave it to you
 get another trial?
icanhost.me says:

Gigawiz™ says:
 i saw
[FONT=Verdana]A  recent login attempt failed.  Details of the attempt are below.

Date/Time:  16/03/2010 02:33:17

Username: aasifaalamkhan
IP  Address: [/FONT]-- edited out--
[FONT=Verdana] Hostname: [/FONT]-- edited out--


 that came from client.icanhost.me
 to my email
icanhost.me says:
 u have an acc their
 thata y
 thats y
 leave it
Gigawiz™ says:
 i know that but i was askin if you knew about it
icanhost.me says:
 anyway fucking screw you
 for that thread
Gigawiz™ says:
 well thx
icanhost.me says:
 why the fuck was demon
 in r 
 ur tv
Gigawiz™ says:
 i was showin him what i did to the vps
icanhost.me says:
 u gave him the logs also?
Gigawiz™ says:
 no i went afk
 when i came back he showed me the post
icanhost.me says:
 u were laughing after that post
Gigawiz™ says:
 yea cause he posted it
icanhost.me says:
 fuck off
Gigawiz™ says:
 fine be that way
 im gettin business off ur downtime anyway
icanhost.me says:
 wat if i post ur previous chat with me
Gigawiz™ says:
 go ahead
icanhost.me says:
 i am not that cheap
Gigawiz™ says:
 i dont give a fuck if they know i have nulled
 shall i post your ip?
icanhost.me says:
 which ip
Gigawiz™ says:
 your home ip
icanhost.me says:
 post where
Gigawiz™ says:
 wj lmao
icanhost.me says:
Gigawiz™ says:
 if im to fuck off
 i guess i have no reason to hide the convo
 just for the lulz
icanhost.me says:
 so u deiberately gave the chat log
Gigawiz™ says:
 not yet but im about to
icanhost.me says:
 its already out
Gigawiz™ says:
not that one.... the convo were havin now >.<
Well now we know.... His home ip address that is.... oh and the bs about demon takin a screenshot.... well its definately bull...... i took it and blanked my name out.... i cbf anymore.... fuck him..

anyone who didnt read the full convo... heres his ip again:
Username: aasifaalamkhan
IP Address: -- edited out--
Hostname: -- edited out--

*Edited* decided twice not to post ip address.... yet
Can I get access to ftp on there account? I want to test something. If you want to give me more then 30min of access please pm me thanks.
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