How to SEO a Porn Website

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New Member
Hi all.
i am interesting to how make porn site more usering.
what trips are for this job.
i need more users.

on site i make dayly posts , but now i have 150-200 unique in a day.

does anyone know how make this?

For best regards
how you think you are so clever? Loooll its so funny

i am not a english,and maybe i have some mistackes in written, but remamber man than you are so looser english lenguage specialist :)

guyes i talk about my matter, dont offtopiced and dont flood heare, only help if you can, if you dont know that mean than go away
No seriously what they said is true:

Learn some English FFS

If you go writing layk thiz you shuld remamber thet peepl will think yuo rea(?) unprofessional.
i dont write something like this: layk thiz

whait man, you talk than if man dont know english than he is unprofessional?

i dont think so. in the planet are more lenguages than english.

ok. i have no problem. i only write mine question not at all.
I wasn't saying that, I was just saying that if you want a good porn website in English you must at least know how to write properly without any grammar mistakes in every 3 words.

The point I was trying to prove is not only for English, your website just shouldn't be full of grammar mistakes.
You could buy load's of advert's, have the best SEO setup in the world, have thousand's of backlinks, hire a professional graphic artist but if you use English like that the site will go nowhere.

We are not trying to make fun of your English we are merely saying that if you don't have a high enough level maybe you need to reconsider your options. Also while grammar is harder to correct their are many free online spell checkers that you could and should use.
Like DJ said: keywords and getting high placed on the google search results with those keywords
And don't use keywords that many if not all other porn sites use such as: free, sex, porn, xxx, pictures
Just because its highly searched for doesn't mean it will help you since you'll get millions of searchresults when searching for sex but your site won't be in the first 10 pages that everyone visits
Google doesnt crawl keywords.

Thats not the point.. good keywords are
If I would be looking for info on Shakira and I type in 'female singer' would that lead me to Shakira sites? It wouldn't. If I would add 'hips' or 'Colombian' or any part of her songs that would lead me to her sites and all those words can be found either as metatags or as part of a (page)title

My point is (this is especially easy for a porn site) try to add as much info/keywords to your threadtitles as possible

'Jenna Jameson - going wild bla bla scene 3' will receive alot more google traffic than 'Sexy blonde girl doing it all'
Google doesnt crawl keywords.
I am using a shitload of keywords (including fake ones ) on my legal music blog and it works <_<

Google doesn't take information from meta keywords however it does from content, meta description and title. For example in this case, a porn site, keyworks like porn, adult, sex, free, download, are just a waste of time unless your porn-bb. You need to try and target specific keywords that don't have much competition which therefore will bring you traffic.
Have a look at

For this experiment I'll use ''Adult site'' which is searched in Google over 300,000 times a month. This keyword has HUGE competition and you'll never get returned in the top 3 results. It varies but around 80% of people look at the top 3 results and ignore the rest and less than 3% visit the second page. It would be better to target ''adult web site'' which is searched 33,100 times a month but you've way more change of being returned in the first page. Even better would be something like ''adult sharing site'' which get's 5,400 searches a month but has ZERO competition. Therefore if you targeted these keywords you'd pretty much be guaranteeded 5,000 hits a month from Google. What you need to do is add relevant targeted keywords to the title of your posts and in the content and description to help you get good traffic from Google. Hope this clarifies any myths about keywords.
What they said. also

<ima src="tehimages.bear" ALT="KEYWORD SHIT">

add an alt keyword to your images. it would work great i think if u did gallerys and even other stuff.
i dont write something like this: layk thiz

whait man, you talk than if man dont know english than he is unprofessional?

i dont think so. in the planet are more lenguages than english.

ok. i have no problem. i only write mine question not at all.
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