How to fix hacked website


Active Member
Hi guys today I'm teach you how to fix hacked website based on my experience in cyber security & software developer since 2016.

firstly nothing is secure & any thing connected to internet it's not safe because all things in technology are follow the instructions of both software & hardware,bad guy or expert people are everywhere,hacking it's just a key you give it to a bad guy to open your door nothing more.

any operating system have a shell this a million line of instructions between the system & kernel,for example create a file,create a folder,reboot system,shutdown system,etc, all of this work are done with the system shell we have both (shell & gui shell its mean user interface like window,button,etc) .
when hacker try to access your system or server mostly the inject the system shell like if i scan a website if the website server use (apache) then we write a exploit or malicious code to inject the apache web service to harmed & access to the system via apache services bug or if use ngnix or iss or maybe a node js express any of them, we access the system now what happens this not a big deal because the system not let as to do anything but the task start her, we make a malicious code then we encrypted the code at runtime why? because anti virus or secure protocol check the software code at runtime if detected any harmful code then the suspend the code, but when encrypted at runtime for example with XOR encryption it's impossible to security or anti virus to decrypt the code & detect the code because the dont have a key for decryption, now we upload shell & not detected then when the system is reboot or the owner login to the system we get the login credentials & we install the backdoor we can access at anytime as we want now the system is ours because we don't secure the system as the want & we dont update our software or system to fix this bug that's let bad guy hack our system.

every website hacked are 100% it's a malicious shell code are inject to your system shell make sure you finded & deleted never trust anti virus this just a software to make a money nothing more.

if anyone want to know what's vulnerability are face there system or check her service healthy you can contact me & i do it, if your service or website hacked you can contact me i fixed or I'm guide you

hope you all of you stay safe 😊