How can i Earn $50...

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part time jobs are for homo's :P
just learn to code your own PSD's its simple, a single job will get you over 50 for sure. Just make sure you don't under sell yourself, and make sure your stuff is decent
Seriously.. Someone who open's a forum topic called "How can i Earn $50...", must be lousy at doing PSD's and lousy to code..

Just find a part time job, like sharing flyers for some restaurant.. Do it for 1-2 days, you have your $50.. :S
Maniac_ i can design Decent psds but noone buys them so what can i do ?? :(
I cannot learn how to code in 5 hours :( and design and sell all that in 5 hours...

i need $50 in 5 hours :'(
Your PDS's are below average.. Nobody would buy an un-coded average template for $20..
Sorry to say, but you suck at this.

What do you need the $50 for anyways?
Sell yourself on the street, or work at a gay strip club.

If you don't make money from stripping, people will pay you money to put your clothes back on ^_^
lol thats a little harder rofl. Hm, design something good, and people will buy for over $50.
If you can't design something good, then your kinda screwed, money doesn't just appear when you need it
I agree with you..

become uploader n use Hotfile u can earn gud money from them :D

He needs the money urgent. :P


Hmm.. I can't figure any quick works but template designs or offering services. Uploading will take time as it will need to wait for users to download to generate some $$$.
Sell yourself on the street, or work at a gay strip club.

If you don't make money from stripping, people will pay you money to put your clothes back on ^_^
He Seems serious Why are you joking :|

SaBteCh,Read More GFX tutorials (increase your designing skills) and Sell your templates here \DP.Gluck
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