Help Me Select My Phone

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Hello, I wanna buy one more phone now.
And i have 3 choices,

Iphone 4
Nokia N900
Morotola Droid.

Which one do you prefer and why ?
if not suggest me something else.

My Main, use will be Emails and Messenger .
And if needed some terminal access as in linux.

Let me know :)
Nokia N900. Hands down. Excellent equipment. If you're looking for an "open" phone that has plenty of things you can screw around with (switching from Maemo to Android), that has the best camera I've ever seen on a phone (macro is the shit!), etc. I used to have it.

If you're an Apple fan, or want the "newest" phone out of them all, I'd take the iPhone 4.

The Motorola Droid is now old, with the Droid X and Droid 2 succeeding it here in the US. (I believe they call it the Milestone there, right?)
iPhone 4 imo. If not iPhone, then an Android phone without doubt is the best alternative (it is probably better than iPhone). The most powerful Android phone yet is HTC Desire and it has been rated 5/5 by sites like Techradar (the iPhone 4 managed a 4.5/5).

So go for iPhone 4 or HTC Desire (or HTC Desire HD if you want a better camera). ;)

Oh and on a side note, Motorola Droid is already too old. xD
If you want a good phone then go with HTC.
I have 2 Iphone 3G phones and well i threw one away and other is used as beer bottle opener.
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