Hello Everyone!

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- Hello TrustJon, Welcome to WJunction.com!

Enjoy your stay and post lots . Be sure to read the (Rules) Of forum. if you're advertising your hosting in WJunction. please care to read this new rule (Hosting Rules) and if you're interested in advertising on WJunction Click the link, (Advertise @ WJunction). You're a probation user so you've been restricted from accessing a few sections and sending PMs, make 3+ posts or more and in 48 hours your account will be changed to regular member! and your restriction of forums will be removed so you can use the forum easily :)

See Ya around <3

- CyberAff
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Hi, thanks for the welcome!

Sorry, I was on a journey and did not see your reply. I hope I will have a nice time here.
Some of the rules links are not working.... can you check please?

Hosting one says: Invalid Post specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator
And advertisement one says: This Thread has been deleted and/or does not exist.

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Can you say by when my account will be fully active? I have already done 3 posts. I cannot post in most areas of the forum... :(
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