Have you ever tried Cpmstar.com

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how are you all ?


games advertising site

have you ever use it

and how much could you earn from it ?

lets have a review for it

They are one of the best in the gaming industry but your traffic needs to convert as their banner rotaion consists of about 98% CPA(Cost Per Action) banners which means a user just clicking on a banner will not get you any revenue.

If you have a gaming site try applying for epicgameads.com and use their pop-unders as they pay 11$ per 1,000 USA impressions.

If you are looking for CPC then try out AdForGames.com (0.03 CPC), 1UpAds.com (0.049 CPC), GamesBannerNet.com (0.05 CPC),Game-Advertising-Online.com (avg 0.10 CPC),Game-Advertising.com (Option to name your own CPC). These are just some of them, the low CPC is because in the gaming industry rates arent that high. If you have a gaming site is better to stick with adsense as they avg 0.08-0.10 CPC per click in gaming niche.
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one of my friend is using them

and they pay always ,rate are good also

getting approve is really tough for non gaming sites

I have a web based mmorpg game,
Tried to join, and ... rejected :facepalm: It seems hard to be approved unless you have decent traffic on your site.
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