Have you ever had a homosexual experience ?

Have you ever had a homosexual experience ?

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I had a guy touch my penis at a party when i was peeing in a sink. That was pretty weird and uncalled for.

Just an edit. I didn't have him do it. I did not want it done
lmfao anyone who says yes should be ban

Using simple logic, humans would not exist if it was correct. End of story!

I agree but:


means, since humanity exist, homosexuality is with them all the time.
I had a guy touch my penis at a party when i was peeing in a sink. That was pretty weird and uncalled for.

lmao. Actually i never had any homosexual experience except thus Eso guy trying to seduce me on chatbox and msn.
well being gay was considered as a sin long ago and some religions still don't allow it,well if sometime touch me seriously i'll make his face look like shit xD
am i the only one who voted yes? :D

lol...no, im not gay and dont have any experiences either...however im ok with gay people....as longs as its not me theyr tryin to seduce...:P
No. But many homosexuals hit on me from time to time, because of my summer jobs, barman, dj or waiter.
..And i don't think i would ever try something.. disgusting. (nothing against the homosexuals though.)
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