Google to Pull out of China

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The Chinese government had hacked a lot of activists email accounts. Google takes great offense to this and has made the decision to avoid their censorship moves and leave. I have friends that work for Google here in California.. I know this to be true. Here is the CNN story..,,

Google said Tuesday the company and at least 20 others were victims of a "highly sophisticated and targeted attack" originating in China in mid-December, evidently to gain access to the e-mail accounts of Chinese human rights activists. "Based on our investigation to date we believe their attack did not achieve that objective," according to a statement by David Drummond, senior vice president of corporate development and chief legal officer for Google, operator of the most popular Internet search engine.
Drummond said that as a result of the attacks, Google has decided it is no longer willing to consider censorship of its Google site in China and may have to shut down its site and its offices in that nation.
here is another source...this was posted today..


and this by a reliable source was posted an hour ago:


It is not a definite thing that Google will leave ... they MAY leave.
Yup. I agree with you that some of the rules are over the top when it comes to US copyright... but then again do you feel it is fair for countries to hack into someone's email? I draw the line with that no matter what copyright exists anywhere.
Comunism is not always bad ... and it has lots of advantages. You think China would have become such a powerful nation with democracy ? I doubt ..
I am not trying to downgrade any nation...being democratic allows me to accept everyone for who they are and where they are from. This is not a governmental war it is information about a very important Internet company making a conscious decision. Oh and you spell it Communism not Comunism.
Okay.. well we are off topic. LOL... the reason I posted this was to inform people that Google is thinking of leaving China. See.. I think that hacking in itself is a crime no matter who you are...where you are from... etc. It's a cyber crime and that is not segregated, it is world wide. No matter who did this. It is offensive to me personally to target a certain group especially from it's own gov. That is discrimination, a human rights problem not an Internet crime. Hacking is.. :)
Well I don't have a friend there actually my girlfriends son works there. Actually it does not take much research to find out about it now LOL...
I heard about this, and thought it was kind of odd for Google to follow through with, but I guess it's their own choice, right?
Yes it is the right of any company to carry out business as they please. Isn't it? I think the feeling of the reason that what was done was looked at as more of a cyber crime and not a political one anyhow. For that if someone hacked their mail..then I can see Google getting upset.
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