forums hacked grr

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Active Member
today i went on my warez forums to find


any 1 els had this or no how they got in or any help please
That's not a hack, that is a "deface". They just change your index file. If you have infernoshout installed remove it now. Also if you use vBulletin upgrade to the latest Patch Level
im running ipb and do not have infernoshout

yes its a deface but how do they do it

all 15 of my sites had this and the index files were messed up
If they got access to the index.php , they probably have a C99 shell on your ftp , look for a php files thats around 150KB , Get your hosting company to do a double check also..

Make sure everything is up to date.
would it give them access to my ftp or just my index files as nothing was deleted just loads of crap files were uploaded
well ive went threw my ftp a few times now and deleted over 5 gig of stuff i had uploaded to try and keep them out

they managed to get in twice yesterday with in 5 mins then i found a few suspicious looking files and deleted them and since then they have not got access
I had such problem few years back and rap^ is correct. They using C99 shell to gain access to my ftp. I have no clue how they do that though. So, I asked my hosting provider to take a look at it and they confirmed about the c99 shell.
You and ur site deserved to get hacked and i hope it continues. This is showing you how we felt. Doesn't feel good does it?

You fuking bitch. your using The Viper Files Database... We are going to contact your host and have your site removed.

Cant even start your own site... have to use someone elses shit... pitiful...

this just goes to show how bad of a webmaster you really are and people like that shouldn't own a site at all...

We understand what we did wrong and have done everything to fix it and we have tried all our best to take down any and all sites using our database.
yea i get it but do u think WJ is the right place to confront him ? deal with it on msn or some shit but anyways just saying ;)
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