Florenfile.com Discussion



We like present you our file sharing service Florenfile.com.

We invite for cooperation webmasters, site owners and everyone who wants work honestly (without shave!) and receive all their earned money.

Our rates:
- 50% from sales and automatic rebills (from filehost profit!).
- 10% from sites.
- Daily payouts.
- Minimum payout - 1$ (for Paypal - 50$).
We pay to:
- Webmoney, Capitalist - No fee.
- Paypal - 8% fee.
- Storage time - 60 days or Unlimited (if you earn 30$ per month for 1 Tb storage).
- Detailed sales and downloads statistic and many more.

If you have questions or want active affiliate account, write to support@florenfile.com
Do premium users have download limit?
Yes, all premium users have download limit: 20 000 Mb for 3 days (but not more than 100 files per day). For free users limit: guest - 2 Gb for 3 days, registered - 4 Gb for 3 days.

So, this service sucks. Stay away from such hosting site

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