Does my website look professional enough? Aslo how can i imrove in regards to SEO?

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New Member
Hi People

I recently started my own web design / graphic design agency. I have been building websites for just over a year now so please do not ridicule my work to date - I am still learning.....

here is a direct link to my site -

My first question is please could anyone reading this post give me some constructive critisism regarding my website. What have I done well, what could I improve and what do you think I need to work on.

My second question is by looking at my code is there anything I can do to help climb the google ladder in regards to page rank. The site itself has been live for almost 6 months and I am still on page 12/13 for searches such as "Web Design Surrey" "Graphic Design Surrey" etc

This is the first time I have posted in a forum regarding my work so please be gentle

Kind Regards

Terry Dallimer
Looks clean and professional...

regarding SEO, your niche is very competitive so you'll need some quality backlinks + longer domain age etc..

You can find some good SEO tutorials here.
All in all the site looks great, I'm not experienced at coding to judge, though.

Keep up the good work, Terry. And welcome to WJunction. :)
Looks very clean and neat... :)

I really like the common colors used.. :D

And for seo as nForcer said you can try building some back links... and i think you can try changing description for different pages as i see the meta description is same for all the pages? ... :)
It looks very clean and professional. Congrats on the site. You should add an H1 tag to every page of your website. I checked your homepage and there is no H1 tag.
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