DMCA ignored hosts?

You can Try
They ignore DMCA and if you uploads the porn they will not delete your files due to inactivity their rates are good streaming speed is fast too.
all my movies/tv series need to have subtitles they have some bugs in adding and only supporting vtt so it take me tooooo many time to convert it in vtt and then adding it slowly after i do it all 70% of videos dont have subtitles

really ??? I mean literally DMCA ignored because i just saw hundreds of that site URLS[REDACTED]
on lumendatabase
no offence but none of the hosting sites are DMCA ignored :))
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You can Try
They ignore DMCA and if you uploads the porn they will not delete your files due to inactivity their rates are good streaming speed is fast too.

Gounlimted Lower downs the quality on their servers
+ Its not DMCA ignored
really ??? I mean literally DMCA ignored because i just saw hundreds of that site URLS[REDACTED]
on lumendatabase
no offence but none of the hosting sites are DMCA ignored :))
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Gounlimted Lower downs the quality on their servers
+ Its not DMCA ignored
AFAIK, DMCA ignored server doesnt work like that bro... it mean, the video/file you upload on the server wont be deleted due to copyright claims. But yes...there is no 100% DMCA Ignored server in the world ;)
You will not found full ignore DMCA, we at some point removed files when we are under pressure from DataCenter.

Best regards!

True at all - and if they will go on to ignore DMCA requests they will loose their servers, one after another till they scam you because they went out of money. Circle of life :sunglasses:

Russian Servers bulletproof

No host want to pay such high prices and the DL-speed would be very low. That's the reason no OCH does use russian bullet proof hosted servers.
DMCA is only US Law

You know nothing. Russia is not bulletproof at all. There is no country that fully ignore "DMCA" because each country has it's own Copryight Laws.
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really ??? I mean literally DMCA ignored because i just saw hundreds of that site URLS[REDACTED]
on lumendatabase
no offence but none of the hosting sites are DMCA ignored :))
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Gounlimted Lower downs the quality on their servers
+ Its not DMCA ignored

Lumen database is just removal from google database, however we don't remove files from our servers. That's the difference.
You damn webmasters. Thanks to you idiots there will soon be laws that will be passed to ban such streaming services completely. You destroy the whole market.

Whatever idiot brought this trend with DMCA Ignored, damn you. 5 years ago there was no such shit.

I hope you will not destroy everything. I ignore hosting providers that mostly offer DMCA Ignored. Are you actually tired of life? Even though DMCA is just an American law, it doesn't mean you should fuck the whole market.
You damn webmasters. Thanks to you idiots there will soon be laws that will be passed to ban such streaming services completely. You destroy the whole market.

Whatever idiot brought this trend with DMCA Ignored, damn you. 5 years ago there was no such shit.

I hope you will not destroy everything. I ignore hosting providers that mostly offer DMCA Ignored. Are you actually tired of life? Even though DMCA is just an American law, it doesn't mean you should fuck the whole market.

I can't agree with that. Here you can see perfect map about DMCA/Copyrights:


Mostly in those green regions gov control citizens with such dns filtering tools. Feel bad for everyone who are living in those countries.

How such DMCA Ignored hosting services fuck the internet? As far as i know few years in a back there was torrent which still exist that is "DMCA Ignored" because it's P2P Based and still internet is not fucked.

I will repeat one more time. There is no truly DMCA Ignored hosting because even in this red based regions copyright law exist. "DMCA Ignored" is nothing more than ignoring all reports sent from other countries except the one where your servers are located at. Even PlayTube does not truly ignore DMCA/Copyright Claims. We simply don't react to copyright claims that was sent from other countries than ours. Yes i live in region marked as red.