Other Dedicated Rapidleech | Unmetered Bandwidth | 1 GBPS Connectivity

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Dedicated Rapidleech provided by WebDen provides reliability, stability and integrity that web host & rapidleech providers just does not offer. We try and keep information about plans as simple and sophisticated as possible, our number one priority is to insure your needs are met And that your files download as quickly as possible we also have custom quotes to fit any budget if you are not satisfied with our plans you see below.


Payment Method: Paypal

Plans & Pricing:
R-Layer1: $7.00
R-Layer2: $10.00
R-Layer3: $15.00
R-Layer4: $32.00
R-Layer5: $50.00

All accounts come with Free Setup!, Free FileServe Premium
and Activation after payment is received & verified.


cPanel/FTP Access $2.00 Monthly

Server Locations:
1. Frankfurt Germany
2. USA,

Server Information:
Qaud Core: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU 920 @ 293GHz
4 GB of RAM / 1 GBPS Uplink


Current Load:

Uptime Ratio:

Onshore Uploading SS:

Onshore screen shots we're taken by respected member of WJ Inflames

Terms of Service:

1. All new customers will receive a 30 Minute Demo. I do offer a 6 day money back guarantee. If you do not allocate more than 10 GB of space, or 10 GB of transfer. Even though bandwidth is unmetered Rapidleech still uses server resources This rule is in place to stop server abuse only as i try to keep my servers running smoothly at all times. If any one has questions feel free to drop me a PM.

2. If you purchase FTP access installing scripts other than Rapidleech are strictly forbidden this server is for Rapidleech only if you are caught you will not receive cash back due to failure of TOS.

3. We monitor our servers on hour intervals if load is high we will try out best to inform our clients to let them know if their may be a speed issue.

4. We reboot our servers once a week this shall be the only time you will ever experience down time unless their is a network issue at the data center or hardware failure.

5. PublicLeech is not allowed: PublicLeech is more people aside your self using the service

Dedicated Rapidleech plans are a new product to WebDen.org you can find are Semi-Dedicated Web Hosting plans here: http://www.wjunction.com/showthread.php?t=36801
I just tested and buyed the Offshore server. The Hotfile ip is banned but the speed for fileserve rapidshare and netload are great. I recommended this leech because is with good speed and also Dlow is a trusted guy
I fully trust DLow, all his servers i have been on have been great, and his support is the best ive ever received. I highly recommend buying his rapidleech.
@ shadeslader

Yes i guarantee the onshore server is only 100 mbps :) quick speeds i know ;) but fast speeds go way beyond the network its self the server also must be quick ;)

@ Gotcha yes i accept custom plans, & i can install it for you.
Uploading speed on RL is hardly never accurate. Whenever it uploads to FS on my RL (not DLow's service) it shows 20mbps which means it shud be done in a few seconds but it takes a little more than that.
Btw Dlow, you only provided onshore uploading, could you provide onshore downloading too. cheers
@ ItsmYarD

As im informing everyone as they want information about the onshore server, Onshore speeds usually tend to suck when it comes to file sharing. usually between 1mb - 2mb down on the onshore server but when it comes to uploading the speed is very quick some people dont mind the slow down speed because the up speed is great.


Id also like everyone to note as i left out on my thread, No more than 10 Clients per server will be allowed.
Im going to bed everyone :) If any members have any question or they are interested in my plans feel free to PM me & ill reply as soon as i wake up :)
1Gbps unlimited is simply a lie and impossible, unless you put 100 people on it .... an unlimited Netdirekt server with 1Gbps connection costs about 800+ Euros per month.

From my own experience, putting 10 people already leads to high server loads if there are just 2 people using RAR/UNRAR and 1 uploading four files. And then those remote uploading from RS and MU ... cpu load will be soon at 100% and will stay there for most of the day as soon customers flow in ...

And I have a VPS with a i7-920 with 4 cores/8threads and 6 Gb of RAM. This is obviously not a dedicated server but a VPS too.
Excllent plans. Very much interested. Gonna buy one today or tomorrow.

You have shown screenshots of off-shore download and on-shore upload. Please show the screenshots for on-shore download and off-shore upload too to complete the puzzle.

Do you have any money back guarantee?
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