Dedicated Dedicate server EU 1Gbps, Unmeterbw

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after rapidspeeds shut down, my dedi is close so
i need Dedicate server EU 1Gbps, UnmeterBW, anyone help me ?
DC : OVH or 100tb or Leaseweb
Add : torrent allow
i need to use upload job, not ads
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i nvr did self advertising, i am not even selling on WJ lol.

I just said to him to ask me if he wanted to go for leaseweb 100TB deals, i can get discounted prices.

I do not know how is it self advertising.

Sorry, if you think other way. will send you DMCA notices. (Vargonen) does not really offer any customer service at all, nor working KVM IP (iLO 100 unlicenses will not allow booting from virtual media, and crashes often regarding keyboard also sometimes going offline with no reason requiring hard reboot for iLO to come online).
Both are LW resellers. support is really excellent tho. takes 12hr+ for any support ticket response and you need to to tell them 3 times every single time what you want. They also intentionally misunderstand you many times, and keep repeating themselves.
OS Reinstallation takes easily a week with them for example. is the only provider i've ever heard which does not even know what is rescue mode :P They are also the only provider which will try to pin everything as your fault.
I totally agree, do not go near Santrex. I actually doubt they are a UK based company. I purchased a server ages ago before i got into hosting and they think everything is cured with a reboot.

As for the other companies i mentioned i cant say iv had any experience with them at all.

Just another one, watch out for leaseweb`s 100tb offers, they do not allow streaming of any kind.

Hope this helps.
best way will be ovh imho, they has cheapest traffic, and dont count internal traffic where 70% of all seedboxes are (in ovh too)

trurly full duplex 1gbit unmetered would cost you around 1-2k€ in france, nl will be only more expensive will send you DMCA notices. (Vargonen) does not really offer any customer service at all, nor working KVM IP (iLO 100 unlicenses will not allow booting from virtual media, and crashes often regarding keyboard also sometimes going offline with no reason requiring hard reboot for iLO to come online).
Both are LW resellers. support is really excellent tho. takes 12hr+ for any support ticket response and you need to to tell them 3 times every single time what you want. They also intentionally misunderstand you many times, and keep repeating themselves.
OS Reinstallation takes easily a week with them for example. is the only provider i've ever heard which does not even know what is rescue mode :P They are also the only provider which will try to pin everything as your fault.

I am happy to see there are more unhappy customers of this turkish host. If we would not make regular backups, we are no longer in business with my company.
- Support is terribly slow and not willing to help. I think its ali vargonen himself replying all tickets, just not write his name. He will always pin things to be your fault.
- offering 100TB, he suspended our server after supposed 46 TB, saying that its for my own protection not to pay overages (it was 3 days until end of month !!). Ofcourse nothing could be done and server stayed off for 3 days and i had to post new ticket to reenable it in next month, when it already should have been reenabled for few hours.
- I always had problem with their invoices. Notification never arrived to my email, they dont have automatic charges, so some invoices went overdue. Once it resulted in suspending service. I wrote the ticket, that server is down and asked for reboot. I was on holiday and i could not login to my vargonen account and could not get password, because my email was on server which was down. What i received few hours later was, that all is fixed and server back on - no mention about suspension due to overdue. It simply appeared as regular ddos related downtime need restart. After few days the server got down again and for my surprice after logging in vargonen the service was 'terminated'. Didnt receive single notification of overdue payment or warnings that suspension will happen. Within half hour since server got down i posted ticket and called to hear, that its not possible to restore, because it was already reinstalled and delivered to another customer (wow, what a light speed !). Ali vargonen said i have no right since invoice has not been paid. (i didn't receive single notification, but that he does not care obviously).

Funny thing was, that we took much more care on backups since 46TB suspension case on my request, because i thought this company is not very reliable and we have to be prepared. God bless i made that call.

Now everything is back on track, we host servers in more reliable companies. We will dump the remaining one in vargonen in a few days.

Hope this will help others to make better decision in chosing server company, than we made.
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