Of course also BCH and USDT.

Waiting almost 19 hours for just one confirmation right now.

Current Bitcoin Mempool (https://bitcoinfees.net/)

We have send our funds exactly before the mempool went high.


Still waiting for first transaction beeing confirmed.

Sorry guys, we still need patience.

[URL unfurl="true"]https://jochen-hoenicke.de/queue/#BTC,1w,weight[/URL]


Brief Update.

Because our Exchanger sent the transaction with too low fees just before Bitcoin's mempool spike, the transaction is currently "stuck". We are trying to accelerate the transaction via bitcoin accelerator.

If there is nothing new until tomorrow, we will initiate a new exchange which has higher fees, so that we can do the payouts tomorrow. This waiting makes no sense.

You can see here that currently high fees are preferred over small ones:

[URL unfurl="true"]https://jochen-hoenicke.de/queue/#BTC,1w,weight[/URL]

When this will improve, I unfortunately do not know. Therefore, tomorrow new exchange, then we pay out. Finished.
