ddownload sales truly exceed my all expectations,they are wonderful,and this when they are only my alternative host and not primary.june and july were bit slow but august surprisingly soared in sales,thank you bro
guys can i have ask something?
as u guys know it take a while before u generate profit and sales
how long around do u need for first sale assume u have above average content?
and one more question-if i upload pretty solid amount content-i take more storage-so even if i sell sales, they will still probably shave because i also use too many storage and they dont like it? is it risky? or does it not matter? i dont want accuse ddownload of anything
just my legitimate question
cause i always work in streaming before, i want know about users experience
No OCH will like it if you occupy 500TB of storage but only generate one sale per day, because it doesn't pay off for them.
of course,i dont plan on use so much storage

and can u kindly answer my one more question
for example,i set pps in affiliate and set all files as premium
i test link without my account
it says file available only for premium account
but if i click buy it leads without my referral or direct subscription linked to my username
so do i must do anything else so that it will be my personal subscription
or do file host automatically detect?
im bit confused
sorry for ask dumb question i am new here, i hope someone can help

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