It shows no error. It looks like that the file existes, but doesn´t. When I restart it asks to overwritesome files which have null size. Next time, I will make a screenshot.
Adblocker disabled with all Browsers. Tested with Firefox, Slimjet, Vivaldi, Microsoft Edge, Opera. The same with all Browsers. Works only with Tor.
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Found the problem. Using VPN, with some countries this option doesn´t work.
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I cant view atm as has adult content.
Would this show not counting downloads using a proxy?

Wouldn't proxies be excluded from counting downloads by ddowload.com? Couldn't someone have already used the proxy to download a file so its not counted again? Are you sure your browser doesn't leak your IP? Anyway the video doesn't look valid as doesn't have any testing or take other factors into account.
Leak test
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Hi @ddownload.com, is there a possibility to increase the fee of $ 3 , 1-50Mb files of group 1?

I have noted this down

why zoom uploader show failed Upload ?

We have changed absolutely nothing to our API or website. You need to contact Z-o-o-m.

Who all has problems with the upload? Which error messages do you receive? If several users are affected, please write here.
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Thank you for reporting. We are investigating

EDIT: We have contacted Zoom Admin now. It is looking so this issue comes from Zoom itself.
Our Storage Servers are running without issues. We have tested it over FTP and Web Upload on our side.
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