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Discussion Thread
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I think they will help you. But with the Turks it seems familiar to me. Alexander had already mentioned here in the thread that some Turks here use bots to earn money. Do not think that one is blocked without reason.
I think they will help you. But with the Turks it seems familiar to me. Alexander had already mentioned here in the thread that some Turks here use bots to earn money. Do not think that one is blocked without reason.

all turkish fraudsters.. every arab terrorist, same as saying..

Sorry, everyone registers with their email address.

it can be at least a notification source vs desirable
Users who use automated tools to make money are blocked. All those who have been banned, please tell me the source of the traffic. If you can prove it to me, send it to me via PM here.

In your case, please get in touch too. gumboy21
I'm sorry to inform you that the 200 days file retention period has now been lifted. It has currently been reduced to 120 days. Towards summer it could be that it will be reduced to 80 days.

We will soon introduce a new user rank for "special" users with large turnover where the file inactivity will be unlimited. I will keep you updated.