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200 to 400 MB/s FTPspeed, too bad they still didn't fix the errors on ftp incomplete parts or some parts don't get uploaded....hope they fix with their new technology :)
Often files are deleted manually, also because of urgent cases. In this case no copyright notice is displayed, but simply "File not Found".
How the files are being deleted manually?
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We are increasing the file inactivity this week. We have ordered many new servers to be prepared for this.
How long the files are kept due to inactivity?
How the files are being deleted manually?
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How long the files are kept due to inactivity?

Files are deleted manually if they need to be deleted urgently because of DMCA. In urgent cases the files are deleted via "manual" ways.

The file inactivity was increased to 120 - 150 days during the winter.

Can you tell me what kind of problem has arisen? Does it still exist?

Anythingh has changed on sales? because of 10 purchase i get €4.25 instead of usual 5...

We had some changes to the Paypal gateway a few days ago. It may be that some amounts instead of USD dollars than the usual Euro will be charged. On Monday the technicians will fix this.