past 3 days from when i have asked on PM about my payment and until now no answer

last payment was paid after 17 days...17 days :))

now it's 10 days...and still no answer from this owner

so if you request over 100$ you have to whait 2-3 weeks?

he cheked my traffic 5 or 6 times...it's incredible



when you pay me?

Yes thats true. Sometimes it takes sometimes not.
And we decide mostly when we pay. We decide when we want to check the traffic. And we decide also which users we want work with.

I will send you PM in one hour.

Helle one of my most downladed file got deleted.

Due to DMCA and inactivity

Something is wrong with this host at the moment...

Nothing is wrong. Working perfectly without issues.
Something is wrong with this host at the moment...

Since partners are important, let me know over PM what is exactly "wrong"
The only thing i saw in your Account is, you dont have "forever" storage.

hello can you add this feature

You should get an email with deleted files.
But im thinking to adding a seperate page with a list which shows deleted files.
Yes thats true. Sometimes it takes sometimes not.
And we decide mostly when we pay. We decide when we want to check the traffic. And we decide also which users we want work with.

I will send you PM in one hour.

Due to DMCA and inactivity

Nothing is wrong. Working perfectly without issues.
leet's se if i understand...

Sometimes it takes sometimes not.

i work whit you from 5 months and every payment was paid beetwen 12-17 days so you say sometimes not???...uhhh what lucky i am to receive my payments in 12+ days each time

and ho request money for nuts you pay in under 10 days

you should to put on main page

50-99$ - under 10 days
100-1k$ beetwen 2-3 weeks
over 1k$ when santa will come

and now i se my account locked...

so you leet me to work 3 weeks and after that you disable my ppd account when you cheked my traffic i have no idea how many times but for 6 times i am 100% sure

no notification no nothing

in 10 years it's first time when i se something like this

i do not understand why you continue whit ppd plan if you lock ho not receive many sales

what i se ppd and pps should be the same for you if not you lock

after that few guys whit 50$ paid wil came here and wil say you are the best and bla bla and new users wil start to work whit you (like me) and after that buuum

you should to put some details on main page but especially in your opinion what it's mean ppd plan

of course you decide what you whan to do....and i decide if i work whit you...but without any notification this is how you show me your professionalism?

and what about my payment?

i have 472$ pending
@Azot If you really think they gonna loose a lot of sales from you, why not switching to PPS? 😆

The only thing i see is complaining. Nothing more.
If they dont want to work with you, go to Rapidgator and generate Sales.

Or show us your sales on Rapidgator and we can believe it. I dont see any "posts" in your Account in Rapidgator thread.
Maybe you dont work with Rapidgator either because you dont generate Sales?
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Go to his profile, you wont see any Rapidgator Thread posts:
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@Azot If you really think they gonna loose a lot of sales from you, why not switching to PPS? 😆

The only thing i see is complaining. Nothing more.
If they dont want to work with you, go to Rapidgator and generate Sales.

Or show us your sales on Rapidgator and we can believe it. I dont see any "posts" in your Account in Rapidgator thread.
Maybe you dont work with Rapidgator either because you dont generate Sales?
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Go to his profile, you wont see any Rapidgator Thread posts:


i was thinking what it's missing...and now i found...you are that thing

read again and if its so hard to understand just stay away because this admin i am 100% he understand very well the problem

you are one of that guy ho earn 50$ for few nuts in one month and after that you came here and you say he is the best and bla bla and new users believe and look what happening

but i wil explain you for last time and i hope you go and eat your nuts and leet the admin to explain what its mean PPD in his opinion because if you read again my prev comm you wil se i have said i have few sales and this is the reason why i chose ppd because ppd- pay per download
leet's se if i understand...

Sometimes it takes sometimes not.

i work whit you from 5 months and every payment was paid beetwen 12-17 days so you say sometimes not???...uhhh what lucky i am to receive my payments in 12+ days each time

and ho request money for nuts you pay in under 10 days

you should to put on main page

50-99$ - under 10 days
100-1k$ beetwen 2-3 weeks
over 1k$ when santa will come

and now i se my account locked...

so you leet me to work 3 weeks and after that you disable my ppd account when you cheked my traffic i have no idea how many times but for 6 times i am 100% sure

no notification no nothing

in 10 years it's first time when i se something like this

i do not understand why you continue whit ppd plan if you lock ho not receive many sales

what i se ppd and pps should be the same for you if not you lock

after that few guys whit 50$ paid wil came here and wil say you are the best and bla bla and new users wil start to work whit you (like me) and after that buuum

you should to put some details on main page but especially in your opinion what it's mean ppd plan

of course you decide what you whan to do....and i decide if i work whit you...but without any notification this is how you show me your professionalism?

and what about my payment?

i have 472$ pending
I use ddownload for about 2 years and and I haven't had any problem with her
I use ddownload for about 2 years and and I haven't had any problem with her

this it's perfect for you but i hope to not come that day when you wake up and you wil have a surprise but without any notification

in 10 years from when im on wj i never made something wrong

in this moment i stil not understand the problem because i never made something wrong on DD

before to activate ppd plan they have to check your traffic yes?so after 4 days my account was activated...

they have cheked my traffic many times everyting was ok it's like how the dog on airport smell something and security will search you for everyting but you stay calm because you know you never made something wrong but his job is to search you

and now i have no idea for what reason he loked my ppd plan it's like how you go at work and the man from security not let you to go into buillding because boss told him to not let you

my biggest problem is...when I started working with this site I saw some comments that this site is the best and bla bla and I fell into this trap and believed and now after 5 months of hard work look what happening whit no reason...
dude how old are you You're acting like a kid.

If you generate too few sales from your downloaders, ddownload won't make any money to pay for your PPD earnings. it's understandable that they don't want to have such uploaders.

my friend i'm stuppid ok? so i hope you can explain to me because from this admin i don't have any answer

before to start to work...you check what offer that company right?and if you like you start

this company offer PPS PPD and MIX yes?

PPS - pay per sale

PPD - pay per download

and mix it's mix

my chose was PPD...why?because i was searching for this option and i found some comm on this thrend and bla bla bla

it's my fault because they offer PPD and my chose was PPD?

how is that?


if you generate more costs than income, then you are worthless for a filehoster and the partnership will be terminated.

of of of

your answer are still 0% answer to my problem/question

i was thinking you are more smart than me to explain to me what it's mean ppd plan but still no answer
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i repeat we talk about ppd plan and not pps plan and to uploaded 50 tb files to generate just cost whithout any sale
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