
Storage Issues:
New servers are on the way so that this error messages because of half or not complete files through the winter are finally fixed.

We actually didn't plan this because we didn't expect such massive uploads the last 2 months. We have a user increase of affiliate users that are well over 80%. Especially the Japanese community has discovered ddownload.com and uses it very actively.

- There are sometimes "faulty" uploads where the files are not displayed correctly or are output with ERROR 500. We will take care that we include a request via the API that these files are displayed as "offline". There are affiliate users who have a workaround with filesize check via the API, which is also effective.

We have also found a scalable way to better distribute the storage servers.

There were positive updates here as well. We are currently rebuilding our capabilities in terms of payment options after big shock of payment options being banned with us. Amazon Pay and all others are on the way.

How this system works, I do not want to reveal here. However, we come back to the old days. Of course positive for all our PPS Affiliate Members.

The future of PPD:
That will also be a topic of conversation. Especially in 2023.
We will probably recommend PPS sometime in quarter 1, by which time our paygates will also be professionally set up. By then, we will also have the possibility that VPN and proxy will be remunerated.

What exactly will happen with PPD, we can not currently say. What I can guarantee is that the PPD rates Q1 2023 will probably be lowered but PPS will be increased.

We also noticed that there are massive inconsistencies regarding PPD at ddownload.com and many affiliate users became suspicious due to the fluctuating remuneration. We do not want that anymore.

Premium prices currently remain unchanged. In Q1 we will test PPS and see how it develops, we can adjust the prices accordingly.

Free download speed remains unchanged.

Projects under development:
Because we have more and more customers from certain networks that do not have "full" download speeds, we are developing with our team our own VPN client for all platforms which is scalable.

This means that all customers who buy Premium from us will also get VPN from us for free. The users can use their Premium account which they use on ddownload.com also for our own VPN client. The duration will be the same as they buy Premium. Clients will use the same login details for both services. Downloads and VPN. There will be multiple server locations for multiple platforms. Multilingual.

It will also be possible for affiliate users to promote opportunities using VPN clients from ddownload.com. Not only for Premium on ddownload.com

Final words about the last 3 months:
I would like to apologize a lot to you affiliate users as well as customers.

Shortly after the summer this year, the whole thing took a complicated turn after we lost many payment options. Not that we had only angry customers, but that due to these payment deficiencies then also the affiliate payments for some affiliates had been delayed by quite a bit. Which we are still feeling to this day.

However, there was not a day when we had not paid out an affiliate, even if it was delayed. It is understandable that many of you have to pay servers, which we can also understand. Unfortunately, so do we!

Not only that we had lost payment options, there were also erroneous payouts that had also upset many affiliate users, or the incorrect compensation at PPD and many things that we did not have before.

I hope for better times and a nice winter together with you and continue to hope for understanding.

Storage Issues:
New servers are on the way so that this error messages because of half or not complete files through the winter are finally fixed.

We actually didn't plan this because we didn't expect such massive uploads the last 2 months. We have a user increase of affiliate users that are well over 80%. Especially the Japanese community has discovered ddownload.com and uses it very actively.

- There are sometimes "faulty" uploads where the files are not displayed correctly or are output with ERROR 500. We will take care that we include a request via the API that these files are displayed as "offline". There are affiliate users who have a workaround with filesize check via the API, which is also effective.

We have also found a scalable way to better distribute the storage servers.

There were positive updates here as well. We are currently rebuilding our capabilities in terms of payment options after big shock of payment options being banned with us. Amazon Pay and all others are on the way.

How this system works, I do not want to reveal here. However, we come back to the old days. Of course positive for all our PPS Affiliate Members.

The future of PPD:
That will also be a topic of conversation. Especially in 2023.
We will probably recommend PPS sometime in quarter 1, by which time our paygates will also be professionally set up. By then, we will also have the possibility that VPN and proxy will be remunerated.

What exactly will happen with PPD, we can not currently say. What I can guarantee is that the PPD rates Q1 2023 will probably be lowered but PPS will be increased.

We also noticed that there are massive inconsistencies regarding PPD at ddownload.com and many affiliate users became suspicious due to the fluctuating remuneration. We do not want that anymore.

Premium prices currently remain unchanged. In Q1 we will test PPS and see how it develops, we can adjust the prices accordingly.

Free download speed remains unchanged.

Projects under development:
Because we have more and more customers from certain networks that do not have "full" download speeds, we are developing with our team our own VPN client for all platforms which is scalable.

This means that all customers who buy Premium from us will also get VPN from us for free. The users can use their Premium account which they use on ddownload.com also for our own VPN client. The duration will be the same as they buy Premium. Clients will use the same login details for both services. Downloads and VPN. There will be multiple server locations for multiple platforms. Multilingual.

It will also be possible for affiliate users to promote opportunities using VPN clients from ddownload.com. Not only for Premium on ddownload.com

Final words about the last 3 months:
I would like to apologize a lot to you affiliate users as well as customers.

Shortly after the summer this year, the whole thing took a complicated turn after we lost many payment options. Not that we had only angry customers, but that due to these payment deficiencies then also the affiliate payments for some affiliates had been delayed by quite a bit. Which we are still feeling to this day.

However, there was not a day when we had not paid out an affiliate, even if it was delayed. It is understandable that many of you have to pay servers, which we can also understand. Unfortunately, so do we!

Not only that we had lost payment options, there were also erroneous payouts that had also upset many affiliate users, or the incorrect compensation at PPD and many things that we did not have before.

I hope for better times and a nice winter together with you and continue to hope for understanding.
If ppd rates drop, you will lose that popularity you have gained. I've been doing this job for almost 15 years, all the sites I used did what you said and closed.
@quasimodo bullshit. i never saw rapidgator is a plain PPD host, only PPS and they halved some weeks ago their PPD.

Stop violating the forum rules with your way of talking.

And please stop this disgusting slime. I particularly notice that about you. Are you hoping for more downloads by slimming? I have to disappoint you there, because Alexander is immune to something like that.

See what happenend with Uploaded with PPD. They cant pay anymore.

With some experience and expertise you should have known that Uploaded does not pay out due to overcompensation. This has completely different reasons that you can easily google.


First thank you for the open words towards us. I hope, like 90% of all uploaders who use DDownload, that it will not be necessary to reduce the PPD remuneration.

With this in mind, I wish you Alexander and all DDownload users a nice weekend and a successful start into the new week.
What exactly will happen with PPD, we can not currently say. What I can guarantee is that the PPD rates Q1 2023 will probably be lowered but PPS will be increased.
I think, the time of high PPDs is over.

You have done the first step showing the sales/rebills on your stats-site, so everyone can see what is better: PPD or PPS.

No one will leave DDL if PPD ist lowered, no panic, there arent so much alternatives around. You will get one week crying and after that comes buiseness as usual.

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