Shared Cheapest and best hosting who is 100% trusted?

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No more than 5 dollar for a month.

Disk Space Unlimited
Bandwidth Unlimited

I wanna a host who takes care about backups so that my files be safe.

They just set a filesize limit so the webhoster can be pretty sure you will never reach ''the limit''. Apart from that, why would you buy something from a company that advertises with ''unlimited disk space''? Sooner or later you will be suspended.. also when it looks too good to be true.... you know how it goes.

Like who needs 750GB space for hosting a website?
They can offer it because they know it looks good and you will never use it, but if you do use it they will terminate your account.

So look around for something more realistic ;)
hostgator is giving unlimited everything and its run by exprerts.
unlimited means no limit in his language and there is no science in hosting **devilz**
@ bansari12

Hostgator offers unlimited simply because they have the money to back what they say :) For instant my image company ocupies almost 1.3 TB of space :) Now if i was to purchase from a host here on WJ that offers unlimited and their server only has a 200 GB hard drive id be quite fucked wouldnt i ?

& Correction Hostgator offers unlimited but if you read their tos you'd see wear it says if you consume to much your account will be suspended.
actually we all know that image hosting site needs dedicated server and its simply impossible on shared host. Secondly Nicol didnt told that he needs offshore or onshore ? he also didnt told that for what purpose he needs ? He only mentioned his budget which is 5 $ so obviously he needs suggestions under this budget. its useless to comment like unlimited is impossible. dont under estimate that guy instead give him proper direction. WJ is for help not for showing attitude by rude replies.
I agree that there is nothing like "Unlimited". But if you don't allow File Hosting or rapid Leech then its possible :)
Oke sorry i have't explain so much, i wanna host my gfx blog and host much of images.

100 gb space is good, but i wanna i place that is safe and makes backups of my files.
I think of scopehosts 100 gb space but look what i found on the website.

6.Backups and Data Loss
Your use of the service is at your sole risk. is not responsible for files and data residing on your account. You agree to take full responsibility for files and data transferred and to maintain all appropriate backup of files and data stored on servers.
Your expectation will Completed......
No Hosting company will ready to take Backup of your 'unlimited' Disk space (as you said , you need it )
Also , you have to limit your Disk Space , so Some can do quote his price for you.
In short ,

Do you have ???

You can get our value plan with 50GB DiskSpace and Unmetered Bandwidth.

Please note RapidLeech and other CPU load consuming sites are not allowed.

Also we do daily backups for our clients.


Thanks & Regards
nothing is unlimited. when on some hosting sites is there any unlimited, then check thier tos. How much space you web contains ..
then choose package that is suitable for your web
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