Selling Buy Postnews from Paypal

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I am planing to sell two postnews keys per month via paypal for members who dont have webmoney accounts , depending on the demand i might increase the keys per month , all buyers will be added in my icq or messenger and you wont have any problems


25$ per key (yes i keep a small profit for what i do , why shouldn't i?)

if you need the 790 english dle site list then pay 10$ more (35$ for site list+postnews key)
hmm i will think about alertpay never used it but i will see if i can do something

btw topic updated with sitelist offer too !
this isnt any right or wrong thing dude , this is my personal thing that i do all in all in the end people who cant use wmz get what they need from their paypal ........ whats wrong in that?
this isnt any right or wrong thing dude , this is my personal thing that i do all in all in the end people who cant use wmz get what they need from their paypal ........ whats wrong in that?

I didnt say you doing anything wrong mate. I personally know her as you might be too the one coded postnews. So i just asked when i saw this thread. nothing else.
kk buddy am just doing an inbetween work not connected to postnews coder 2bhonest , its like i got webmoney account and i get some amount per month in it so im just gonna give a few more business to the postnews guys by giving paypal users the facility to buy postnews thru me , in the same time for what i do i take a small benefit which is not wrong in my opinion..... thats all
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