BTC Accelerate Services. Which ones are normal?


Hello, has anyone used paid BTC services to speed up transactions? Nothing helps with free analogues. I wanted to try ViaBTC. There the amount for speeding up the transaction is simply huge
1 comment
dont trust speedup process pleas undrestand how blockchain work for example each 10 minute bitcoin give a block on blockchain any transactions done on network node in this 10 minute so dont waste your time or your money for this thing becaus its not true theres no way to speedup the transactions of crypto coin because each of them have a algorthim or her network node rule.

but you can use (SegWit addresse) its better than the legacy address because its have a (low fee) & scalability compared to Legacy addresses

if you dont know about the bitcoin address type just learn from now:

Legacy (P2PKH)​

This is the widely used original format encoded using Base58, which excludes characters that are frequently confused with one another. Addresses starting with “1” use the Pay-to-Public-Key-Hash (P2PKH) script type and are case-sensitive. In the context of P2PKH, “Pay-to” refers to the recipient’s ability to claim the funds, “Public-Key” refers to the recipient’s public cryptographic key, and “Hash” refers to a cryptographic hash of the public key.

They offer a straightforward way to send and receive Bitcoin since they are generated from the hash of the recipient’s public key. Legacy addresses are widely compatible because the majority of wallets and exchanges support them.

SegWit (P2SH)​

The Bitcoin network’s scalability problems were addressed with the introduction of SegWit . Addresses starting with “3” use Base58 encoding, are based on the Pay-to-Script-Hash (P2SH) script type and are case-sensitive like legacy addresses.

In the context of P2SH, “Pay-to” indicates the recipient’s capability to access the funds, “Script” represents a complex set of instructions defining conditions to spend the funds, and “Hash” refers to the cryptographic hash of the script, allowing for secure transactions to addresses derived from these hashes.

Bech32 (Native SegWit)​

Addresses that begin with “bc1,” or Bech32 addresses, are based on the native SegWit protocol. They offer the lowest transaction fees and the most effective use of block space. Compared with earlier forms, Bech32 addresses only use lowercase letters, provide improved error detection and are more understandable by humans. They are best suited for new services and apps that seek to leverage the full capabilities of the Bitcoin network and encourage the adoption of SegWit technology.

Taproot address (P2TR)​

Taproot (P2TR) addresses, also called Taproot or Bech32m, are the latest and most advanced format in Bitcoin. These addresses are case-insensitive and begin with bc1p. They improve scalability, flexibility, privacy and security, but they are opt-in and not yet commonly supported, much like SegWit. Taproot offers benefits like Schnorr signatures, which lower costs, increase security and also make it possible to build smart contracts.

i hope you undrestand & dont waste your money on scam service