Hello, thank you so much for your recommendations!
For the domain name, I was waiting to see if the project would really take off. I'm going to purchase a shorter and better domain name today. 
As for creating a full script API similar to Linkvertise, I'll get started right away and aim to complete its development today. I’ll reach out to you once I’ve finished all these updates. 

Just a quick update:
I’ve managed to create a script that works as you requested. To give you more details, the API will make a request every 500ms
to automatically shorten your links on the site.
For now, I’ve limited the API requests to 100 per hour, allowing you to run your tests
while I can monitor how much my server can handle. 
The script functions just like the example you mentioned. You only need to install the script obtained from this page: https://shortlink.gd-shops.com/dashboard/short-link
within the <head> tag of your site, and everything will happen automatically! 
For domain names, I’m currently preparing a list of disposable domain names
that won’t have any issues with censorship or DMCA, as they are temporary.