Blackwell Briggs Confidential documents leak out on TPB

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Active Member
Confidential Documents about Blackwell Briggs a large military contacter in Iraq and Afghanistan leaked out onto The Pirate Bay on May, 18th 2010

Blackwell Briggs emailed TB and they posted it in their legal section

> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Received: by with HTTP; Fri, 18 May 2010 04:21:53 -0700 (PDT)
> In-Reply-To: <BSDmDSSF&>
> References: <>
> Date: Fri, 18 May 2010 13:37:53
> Delivered-To:
> Message-ID: <>
> Subject: Re: Attention!
> From: Legal Division <>
> To:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

>To the owners of the torrent tracker

k, lissen plz. tpb haz n0 trakker. it's all about magnet links and dht nowadays. k?  tpb !=trakkz0r.

> Through our SCADA department we recently discovered unauthorized use of confidential material in connection
> with your website, As of March 26th 2010, this material has been granted clearance
> for governmental viewing level 3, and must not be copied, distributed or presented in any way without the prior
> consent of Blackwell Briggs.

thanks for repeating the sites name, I didn't understand the first time.
Governmental viewing level 3? Is this the final level? what's the boss like in this level? I remember playing
Gradius 2(aka Life Force, aka Salamander, aka best shoot em up ever!!1 no it's not! yes it is! we
dont agree with myself) and on one level there was this huuuge brain with eyes and arms!! I almost dreamt nightmares
about that. luckily I ebeat his ass using the konami code. since then, I've been having serious knightmares about
that brain. just last week I saw this guy walking down the street who looked like a brain (I knows! craaazy!) and I
desperately searched for my NES controller. I didnt know if the guy had the power of lazors or not, but there waz no time to
ask. I finally found the controller in my bag (just under some rugged copies of 2600, a crappy print out of The Coming
Insurrection, a roll of tinfoil and a note with the phone number to a really nice guy I met last night at a bar in a
town I forgot the name of  but he had blue eyes and cool shoes just the right type ya know but smelled funky.
Anyway, I pressed Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A and booom! I felt the power of Greyskull flow
through my veins. It was AWESOOOOOOME! Thanks to some previous power bars I now too had the power of laz0rs.
I quickly strafe-jumped to the left, then to the right and then to the right again while screaming Pew! pew! pew!
Nah! Nah! Nah! Peeew! (that gives more power to my lazors and usually defeats even the most annoying bosses and their
bosses bosses). Mr Brain then looked at me with pain and confusion in his eyes, clearly the lazors were working! When
he turned around (probably scared to death!) I quickly jumped behind a crate, reloading my lazors and stood ready if
the brain dude were to return. He didn't. Lucky for him mkey1 I wouldn't wanna turn on my god mode just like that.
So dont think that some level 3 bullshit will scare me. As I've just subliminally (you might wanna google that) told
you, I can deal with any level of bullshit. Yes i can, no i can't but i do!

> This material was aquired by subversive hacker groups, following a breach of Blackwell Briggs online security systems
> on May 15. These files are now being offered for Internet Download, copying and distribution through filesharing
> technology on your site.

"Subversive, hacker groups, breach, online security system, Internet download, copying, distribution, filesharing."
What's this? Saying all these hot words in a row turns me on! ON! This makes me think about hot terminator chicks and
dudes doing naughty things. Yeah! I'll be in your back! Hasta alta vista baby! Cum with me if you want to live!
Yeeeeaah... ...aaaaand I'm done k thx.

> The confidential material may be found here:

Thanks for the link, you just made it public to billions of file sharing dudes and dudettes.

> We strongly advise you to remove all confidential and unauthorized material in connection with Blackwell Briggs
> Corps. Should any torrents and/or original files be found residing on your servers by June 10, our attorneys will
> (a) notify = Europol of your breach of governmental confidentiality (b) inform the Swedish government of your
> illegal activities.

I could go on a rant here about how no material is kept on our servers, and nowadays not even the torrents, and how
none of the material passes through our servers, and so on and so on. But since we keep on getting these crazy mails
from people like you, I won't bother.
But, on (a) I'll reply
Europol? More like Eurolol! Lololololol!!1 hahahaha ok we very funny
and on (b) I'll reply
Yeah good luck with that. Ask your buddies at the MPAA, RIAA, MAFIAA and the american justice department how much effect
that usually does. We got raided once due the american government going to bed with the swedish gov and some pillowtalking
into an agreement about shutting us down. We were down for 3 days. Not as much of a problem comparing to how long it took
us to get online when a former admin went on a drunk rampage and was nowhere to be found (down for 5 days. some million in
fines, 4 dead sheep and a story never to be told, without level 4 clearance.. yeah, more than you have, you're only at level 3

> Thank you for your cooperation.

Hey your're welcome! Feel free to grab some retractable batons on your way out. If the MPAA didn't grab em all.

> If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact us via e-mail at:

I'm all good, but our users might have some questions, so you should
probably check your email tomorrow morning...

Your's truly - Winston

Is this the real thing?
Iamnotamember at 2010-05-20 00:08 CET:
I can't believe these assholes let this leak. LMAO - typical blackwell briggs bullshit.

jurij1338 at 2010-05-21 18:40 CET:

RedBusterd at 2010-05-21 23:37 CET:
TPB is The most educational tool the world has ever seen. Love you guys and all who upload such things. Never knew who these Blackwell briggs fuckers were 'til now... I almost puked after seeing this video clip.

Jonas at 2010-05-21 23:51 CET:
This is the worst troll shit I have ever seen. I really hope that the mail response is bullshit and all this will lead to something real. There aint no law suit, there aint no...ah, I just give up.

Menthix at 2010-05-22 00:54 CET:
This is nothing more than some kind of viral ad campaign for Nokia.

See, the are the ones spreading this. Then go to and click the 'Terms of Service' and 'Privacy Policy' links.

In case they change it, those links lead to and

Kgeorge86 at 2010-05-22 09:26 CET:
So the pirate party is conspiring with nokia...

Menthix at 2010-05-22 17:09 CET:
Meh, doubt it. TPB probably had no clue it was an ad campaign when they wrote this:

baxter84 at 2010-05-22 18:28 CET:
lol @ Menthix, they posted their first legal threat for 2 years and u think they got fooled? they knew and its damn good pr for tpb to have companies using their site for distribution

Armoreska_ at 2010-05-22 18:28 CET:
The mail was sent right after the torrent was upped considering GMT -7

jazztelia at 2010-05-22 19:06 CET:
Awesome AD

merethan at 2010-05-22 19:17 CET:
It still stuns me how good this clip looks. There's lots of money spend on it. And it is unlikely to be the only one ever made.

I can only imagine how much money is spend on making clips like this, let alone lobbying all together. And since a corporation is only created for generating stakeholders value, there's some sort of "return of investment" calculation somewhere, which states there's much more money to be made then this lobbying and film making costs.

When surveillance becomes profitable, and it clearly is, is it weird we see so much of it?

extremezone at 2010-05-22 19:29 CET:
this BlackwellBriggs noobs must stop messing with tpb leading force :))

Gurthag at 2010-05-22 20:48 CET:
This is obviously a Viral. Now, question is: Has been TPB fooled into thinking this was for real? or is the funny letter answer part of the viral?

77777joker77777 at 2010-05-23 01:32 CET:
Yep it's a viral.
Both and are registered to the same persons according to whois... check yourself.
On the 18th of May 2010, a group of individuals identifying themselves as The Conspiracy For Good and acting as cyber-terrorists stole a piece of private material. They then leaked the file into the public forum via The Pirate Bay. Purporting themselves to be nothing more than purveyors of free speech and Robin Hoods of the internet, The Pirate Bay and to a greater extent, The Conspiracy For Good are not just mischief-makers and petty thieves, they are criminals. These are individuals that compromise the advancement of the free market, attack personal privacy and corrode intellectual property and the ownership of information. Leaks of this nature are a testament to why extreme measures must be taken when protecting the safety and security of society. As a shareholder in the company, you can be rest-assured that Blackwell Briggs takes attacks like this very seriously and we assure you that measures have been taken to assure these frauds and felons are halted from future activities of this nature.

Thank you,

Blackwell Briggs

source is the bwb site
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