- Earn up to $5/1000 views.

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Hi WJ,

I am introducing our brand new affiliate program at

  • Earn $5 per 1000 views.
  • Minimum Payout $10.
  • Adult and General content.
  • Paypal and Webmoney payouts accepted.
  • Payment cycle: Net-30 from the first Friday of the month.
  • We pay all countries.
  • No traffic limitations.
  • No registration required.
  • No Installation required.

Country Tiers.

Tier A: ($5.00 / 1000)

United States, United Kingdom, Canada.

Tier B ($2.00 / 1000)

France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, Finland, Australia.

Tier C ($0.80 / 1000)

New Zealand, Russia, Austria, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Cyprus, Greece, Japan, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Singapore. Estonia, Bulgaria.

Tier D ($0.10 / 1000)

All others.

Click below to join and start earning! Join Now!
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Welcome to WJ !

Your price is slightly lower, and higher minimum payment!
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tvuploadxnet - We are testing everything out as it's a new project.

1. It's a start up, so once we get a better feel the rates will most likely increase.
2. We are known for paying out, on time, every week.
3. Easy to use interface and adaptable to all sites.
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Well, if the earnings will be good, then the rates are ok. Some sites used to give me better earnings when they paid 4 usd/1000 then when they got to 7+ usd, mostly because they flooded their site with advertisments scams and they we're banned almost everywere important.

  • Payment cycle: Net-30 from the first Friday of the month.-You are paying once a month, right? So the first payment date should be 8 april.
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]"No traffic limitations"

Is that mean you counting all views in 24 hours whether from same IP or not?
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[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]"No traffic limitations"

Is that mean you counting all views in 24 hours whether from same IP or not?

No, but he probably means that all traffic (including adblock and trash traffic is being counted).

#ontopic - I also checked your site and it seems it adless (no ads whatsoever). I'd like to know if you're going to continue with this business model? I don't see the way you're going to generate money to pay affiliates.

Payment is once a month (Weekly payments are better)
High Minimum Payout ($5 would be cool!)
Rates are low ( Raise it up a little . $5/1000 or higher)
hehe anyway , welcome and all the best!
ms7 - Yes that is correct.

dav3 - We always payout on our other projects you can check :) There's no need to worry about us generating money. Affiliates will be paid on time each month on the due date.

Lol!!! So all the traffic I gave in last few days to this [one of the] mo**erfu**er Is a sum of - $9 Per 1k Affiliation


[4182 Tier1 + 2876 Tier 2 + 1197 Tier 3 + 1955 Tier 4] = 10,210 Views = $20.66 | With Your Rates The Same Traffic - [IF I Was Doing] [$4.78 Tier 1+ $4.52 Tier 2 + $2.50 Tier 3 + $2.55 Tier 4] = $14.35. Technically the same I guess, or I'll say its better. You're a professional & started this host, Will you tell me "Join Us, You'll Earn Better?" & btw Welcome To WJ, Regards - Danny Archer :)
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dannyarcher - As said in my post before it's a new project. We are testing the water so to speak. Rates in the future can go up and then your earnings would too.

I can guarantee you on time payments every month without fail.
dannyarcher - As said in my post before it's a new project. We are testing the water so to speak. Rates in the future can go up and then your earnings would too.

I can guarantee you on time payments every month without fail.

K, Lets see then...I need to req before first friday of each month correct?
Please try to automatically show codes, links after upload of image . Dont make it complicated , click the image first is time consuming ...
Wanna test your site
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stephen - We are working on optimizing all aspects of the interface to make it easier for you to use. I'll have your ideas looked into.

danny - Just request before the Friday so the Wednesday or Thursday would be fine, preferably early morning Thursday :)
iyanricardo - We don't have any traffic limitations. If you visit 10000 images with, we will count only for 1 even though you visited 10000 images. As stated, we count per UNIQUE (just like advertisers do). And we don't accept bot-traffic, which is a cause for ban.

Added after 5 Days 21 Hours:

We are working on changing the file manager to make everything faster and more efficient for you guys.

Added after 12 minutes:

We are working on changing the file manager to make everything faster and more efficient for you guys.
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your faq state

bigimage DOES NOT condone the use of our service for adult content

and on this thread , you state

Adult and General content.

so , do you allow or not allow adult image on bigimage
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thanks for reply , but there still is one more problem for me , that is there no way i can choose thumbnail size before uploading , and the default size of the thumbnail are super large too , at least put a 180 or 250 size as a option ,hope you can fix it asap , thank you
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